CF is a Modern Shooter?
remember to make a game fun you have to have some limits to what the bullets do. all guns are designed to kill, so it makes them more fun by removing the 1 hit kills. almost every other game does the same. im guessing you want a mode where its one hit kills? like on COD?
RSCHOLOKOV wrote: »yeah i know it will be chaotic but if the guns like softairs we dont need them in the Storage i think so becaus somebody who aims for the head but want a SMG cant play with A SMG becaus more than 1 bullets .just an example
lol i never have time to aim for the head XD -
RSCHOLOKOV wrote: »Hi @ All i heard that Cross Fire is a Modern Shooter with only REALISTIC GUNS!
so why some guns have the Power from a Softair like The MP7 and MP5 and UZI, Glock18 and so on
they are not 1 Bullet Head Shoot Guns wth is that ? in real you kill somebody with 1 bullet
and i want to ask (GA/GM) why dont fixed all guns to 1 Bullet HeadShoot Guns the Power can be the same but the Bullet must do 1 HeadShoot and not like the Mp7 20Bullets(half Clip) in head for headShot)
your Oppinions
Some gun's caliber is low, meanin not that powerfull so it can't go right through a helmet that every charecter has. However every gun at a reasonable range will do more than 50 damage at a perfect headshot.
More powerfull guns (larger caliber) are 1 shot headshot from short to long range. So this game is realistic in that sense. Then you can choose to buy an extra item called Helmet armor which enhances it. -
RSCHOLOKOV wrote: »Hi @ All i heard that Cross Fire is a Modern Shooter with only REALISTIC GUNS!
so why some guns have the Power from a Softair like The MP7 and MP5 and UZI, Glock18 and so on
they are not 1 Bullet Head Shoot Guns wth is that ? in real you kill somebody with 1 bullet
and i want to ask (GA/GM) why dont fixed all guns to 1 Bullet HeadShoot Guns the Power can be the same but the Bullet must do 1 HeadShoot and not like the Mp7 20Bullets(half Clip) in head for headShot)
your Oppinions
If you want a realistic experiance... crossfire, mw2 and any other mainstream FPS game
is not the place to look... These games try to be as fun as possible while seldomly modeling
the realistic guns to their counterparts (ie. smg with 9mm rounds dosen't outdamage a
m4 with 5.56x48mm rounds. In "Real Life" a high power rifle has enough stopping power
to knock you down once you get hit (not necissarily kill you, but enough to keep you
down). Also in "Real Life" guns are accurate passed 10 meters and are zeroed at the
guns barrel and not the center of your head... also gun balistics don't follow a completly linear path from the center of your head. If you want a somewhat "Realistic Experiance"
play arma 2 and enjoy the 20 minute truck ride to the front, than get blown up by a person
waiting to ambush for an hour to get sent back all the way back to your base for another
20 minutes truck ride :P
In conclusion, CF was never intended to be a realistic shooter in any regard. It is a
Modern themed, Fast Paced, Competitive FPS MO Free game. -
If you want a realistic experiance... crossfire, mw2 and any other mainstream FPS game
is not the place to look... These games try to be as fun as possible while seldomly modeling
the realistic guns to their counterparts (ie. smg with 9mm rounds dosen't outdamage a
m4 with 5.56x48mm rounds. In "Real Life" a high power rifle has enough stopping power
to knock you down once you get hit (not necissarily kill you, but enough to keep you
down). Also in "Real Life" guns are accurate passed 10 meters and are zeroed at the
guns barrel and not the center of your head... also gun balistics don't follow a completly linear path from the center of your head. If you want a somewhat "Realistic Experiance"
play arma 2 and enjoy the 20 minute truck ride to the front, than get blown up by a person
waiting to ambush for an hour to get sent back all the way back to your base for another
20 minutes truck ride :P
In conclusion, CF was never intended to be a realistic shooter in any regard. It is a
Modern themed, Fast Paced, Competitive FPS MO Free game.
+1 Awesome point.
Hit the nail on the head. (No pun intended :P) -
RSCHOLOKOV wrote: »Hi @ All i heard that Cross Fire is a Modern Shooter with only REALISTIC GUNS!
so why some guns have the Power from a Softair like The MP7 and MP5 and UZI, Glock18 and so on
they are not 1 Bullet Head Shoot Guns wth is that ? in real you kill somebody with 1 bullet
and i want to ask (GA/GM) why dont fixed all guns to 1 Bullet HeadShoot Guns the Power can be the same but the Bullet must do 1 HeadShoot and not like the Mp7 20Bullets(half Clip) in head for headShot)
your Oppinions
so if i shot someone in the head they would have to make a new account? cause technically if you die irl then your simply dead... shoot your limbs and you can barely walk, would you like that to be implemented? lol -
lol i used to play socom, imagine how stressful that was, 1 shot anywhere and your pretty much dead, most of the people in that game were vet's from army so it was very competitive, that game probably took 10 years off my life, and 3 controllers and a few glass cups.
Some gun's caliber is low, meanin not that powerfull so it can't go right through a helmet that every charecter has. However every gun at a reasonable range will do more than 50 damage at a perfect headshot.
More powerfull guns (larger caliber) are 1 shot headshot from short to long range. So this game is realistic in that sense. Then you can choose to buy an extra item called Helmet armor which enhances it.
The whole reason the mp7 was created was to pierce thru helmets. -
I never expected Crossfire to be realistic, so, if some weapons don't one shot kill by headshot, that doesn't bother me. What bother me in some extent (when I'm not the one taking advantage of it in fact) is the incredible accuracy of some weapon at long distance. Even in a not so realistic game, it kills the fun sometimes.
How can you accept a player standind, doing intensive side-steps (try it in real life, you will see how hard it can be), wielding a 3,5kg Scar L and shooting at a high rate to be as accurate at more than 100m as a crouched immobile sniper ?
I'm sometimes amazed how accurate some weapons can be (even in my hands). The 2 M4A1 Zp versions for example, whatever the distance and your firing rate, are almost headshot guaranteed if you aim a little. Even if you walk, side-step, jump or try to avoid bullets like Neo. I know suppressors increase accuracy and decrease recoil a little but at this extent its exaggerated.
It's the same with a lot of other (non silenced) weapons. For instance the K2, one of my favourite weapon, is a headshot machine, whatever the distance.
Another, very stupid imho, thing, is the way AWM is handled. Seeing how snipers (and I have to admit I do it too) jump, quick zoom-shoot-kill, jump to hide is completely unrealistic. There should be an half-second of immobility needed to have complete accuracy (not realistic too but a little more challenging). And zooming shouldn't be as fast as it is now (or it should screw accuracy for a short time).
The new tommy gun is also incredible. No wonder it has been used so much XD. Its firing rate combined with its godly spray pattern makes it more an MG than an SMG.
I'm not complaining about these aspect of the game nor do I want them changed in the next patch (hackers and abusive kickers are more of a concern to me) it's just what I think humbly. -
Well I think the way Crossfire's damage is set up is that one bullet from ____ gun does ____
damage, times where you hit them, this will sometimes result in headshots not killing the first time. Realistic? not really, the gun damage is FAR to spread out to be realistic. The Famas does about 20 damage in the gut, but the Scar Light does about 35. But they both fire THE EXACT SAME BULLET!!!! thats right, the Scar Light,Famas,M16,M4,QBZ,AUG,G36,AK-74, they ALL fire the same size bullet, most even take the EXACT same clips! Well with the exeption of Scar Lights, QBZ, G36K, the system works pretty well. -
Jury, the reason why crossfire has none of the things you described is because of the type
of game it is. Crossfire is a Fast Paced modern theme MO FPS much like CS, and as
such to keep the game fast paced, requiers all that you dislike about it to stay the
way they are. There are other games that you might like that are slower paced, and require
players to be more aware of their manuvers to stay accurate. -
RSCHOLOKOV wrote: »Hi @ All i heard that Cross Fire is a Modern Shooter with only REALISTIC GUNS!
so why some guns have the Power from a Softair like The MP7 and MP5 and UZI, Glock18 and so on
they are not 1 Bullet Head Shoot Guns wth is that ? in real you kill somebody with 1 bullet
and i want to ask (GA/GM) why dont fixed all guns to 1 Bullet HeadShoot Guns the Power can be the same but the Bullet must do 1 HeadShoot and not like the Mp7 20Bullets(half Clip) in head for headShot)
your Oppinions
uhh not to contradict but a cop buddy of my dad's was shot in the forehead (what calibur gun IDK) point blank. I've met him he is all and well. But he was rushed to the hospital and lets say he got the care he needed about a hour after it happened. Thank God for that. But yea lol -
this is a realistic game, ill take a picture of my real pumpkin nades, voodoo dolls, heart nades, turkey helmet, turkey backpack, my contraption that makes me invisible, my contraption that makes me a zombie (not yet, but ya know), my ability to stay standing and running after any bullet hits anywhere, and my girlfriend, who has a perma wedgie and can handle an m60 better than i can.
yea, doyewseee -
Jury, the reason why crossfire has none of the things you described is because of the type
of game it is. Crossfire is a Fast Paced modern theme MO FPS much like CS, and as
such to keep the game fast paced, requiers all that you dislike about it to stay the
way they are. There are other games that you might like that are slower paced, and require
players to be more aware of their manuvers to stay accurate.
Yeah I know that perfectly, and I already play(ed) some of them that's why I said :JurydesEnfer wrote: »I'm not complaining about these aspect of the game nor do I want them changed in the next patch it's just what I think humbly.
Even is the superiority of some weapons could be rebalanced a little, I'm not expecting a total change in the gameplay, I'm not even calling for it. I still like CrossFire for what it is and how it is, and those aspects I mentionned won't make me abandon it. If hackers aren't taken care of, that might be another story. -
I just wanna say, do you guys seriously want this game to be realistic? Or maybe you can die realistically in the game as well as in real life as well, that would be fun xD
So please stop asking the game to be more realistic when you can't even be realistic yourself. Thank you! -
KhoatheCuc wrote: »I just wanna say, do you guys seriously want this game to be realistic? Or maybe you can die realistically in the game as well as in real life as well, that would be fun xD
So please stop asking the game to be more realistic when you can't even be realistic yourself. Thank you!
Let me imagine Crossfire being realistic : you take one bullet, whatever the weapon, and you get knock down, start shaking, aching, if one of your member was hit, then you can't use it, you start losing blood, maybe got an haemorrhage, without proper cares, even if your enemy stop shooting at you, you might die in a few minutes.
A frag grenades explodes : consider a 5 meters radius around it, all people inside it are dead, now a 15 meters radius, people got injured, you have a more than 10 meters radius blast, shrapnels that fly at over 100 m, nothing like the toys in CF.
Imagine falling down from the higher storey of the building in downtown and continue running and jumping like a fool while spraying complex and colored decals on walls in less than a second with extreme details...
Yeah could be fun. -
JurydesEnfer wrote: »Let me imagine Crossfire being realistic : you take one bullet, whatever the weapon, and you get knock down, start shaking, aching, if one of your member was hit, then you can't use it, you start losing blood, maybe got an haemorrhage, without proper cares, even if your enemy stop shooting at you, you might die in a few minutes.
A frag grenades explodes : consider a 5 meters radius around it, all people inside it are dead, now a 15 meters radius, people got injured, you have a more than 10 meters radius blast, shrapnels that fly at over 100 m, nothing like the toys in CF.
Imagine falling down from the higher storey of the building in downtown and continue running and jumping like a fool while spraying complex and colored decals on walls in less than a second with extreme details...
Yeah could be fun.
Now that's war.
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