review about all 3 new guns

m16c-s: super garbage, totally same as m16 beside a nooby whole screen scope.

whichester(sorry, i dont remember how to spell it): super low automatic, super low damage on long range. 1 shot kill in short range, but you die if you miss the 1st shoot.

Tompson: Great SMG. I got it in my 7th crate(i could afford only 7 crates and i got it in the last one)! 60/120 bullets, very very high automatic, low recoil low damage, good at running shoot. It feels very alike with mp7 but a bigger volume clip. It makes me always be the ace in ghost mode, also a very good gun in T/D. You will love it if you are good at using SMG. Best gun in those 3 new guns.

Btw, I got temp mp7 and xm1014 shutgun, and I like them more than scar-l in ship map somehow...

Here's my profile to prove that i'm not too nooby:
2.16K/D rate, not too high cuz i played as a ghost too much.

and... screw z8games, patched 1st and 2nd generation bunny hop!!! I cannot make 3rd, 4th or 5th bunny hop...
btw again, i was kiked out by the new anti-hack program once, but i never ever hacked!!!
