HelloKitties are back !

We had a problem in the clan regarding a LT, but this is no problem now and we are back recruiting :)



Requirements :

Need a try out from me or a LT.
Which will consist of 2 Pub games,, 1 BL with knife, and 1 GR
We are looking for active members.. so high ranks preferable, to prove your loyal and active.
No clan hoppers..
You will have to be able to pinpoint and bhop to some level.

we will help you improve though.

As i say earlier, we are mainly GM players, but we do S&D scrims as well.
We dont use ventrilo, because i dont wanna pay for it.
and we all have xfire for communication.

At the moment we only have a few members , but that will improve.. i already have a list of people who are joining

This is not going to be a massive GM clan like.. DoA or other GM clans..
IT's just a elite team of GMers who play together, and are friends
