Squ@dUp! Gaming Is Recruiting Competitive Members For Tourneys and WOGL

-About Us-

We Are A Multi- Gaming Comunity(CF, AVA, DC, KOS, CA, AA2/3, Battlefield Heroes, Quake Live) Who Wants Nothing But The Best
We Believe in Fair Play So All Glitchers/Hackers etc. need not apply.

This is our site ====> http://squadupgaming.****/
These are the Rules Of Recruitment =====> http://squadupgaming.****/rules.htm
All Applicants Are Subject To Being Teamviewed At Anytime!!! That Is Standard Procedure for EVERYONE.


K/D ratio isnt a factor. Just because you have a 1.6 kdr doesnt mean you are not a scrub, however only those who show excellence within the clan will recieve an invite to compete in WOGL.

And did I mention I have a FREE 200 SLOT VOICE SERVER?!?

-Code Of Conduct-
We are cool with everyone unless there's a reason we don't need to be. So With that being said we are looking for MATURE members. Don't go around clan websites saying they suck etc. We will not tolerate it and you will be out of here like a cheap date.

We Teamview EVERYBODY!! So I feel like you are hacking me and djdell82 (leaders) have the right to teamview you without any questions asked. Failure to comply will result in turn into immediate termination of membership of SquadUp Gaming.

Well Any questions I can be reached here or on GSC my IGN is FullClipK or you can reach the co-founder djdell82

Thank You For Your Time. clap.gif

Edit: My IGN for CF is TriggaMayne. Any other Game its FullClipK
