[M]ercenary - Pro Only Recruitment

You may have seen us around in the pubs (probably getting flamed)
We've been going just over a month now, with 16 members
We're currently rank 752 (not that we care) and gaining a strong reputation in scrims

If you are:

Looking for a small pro clan (we will never have more than 40)
& Willing to really push yourself in a competitive environment

Then please apply and we'll accept you on a trial basis so you can see for yourself
Just a few things I thought I'd better mention:

1) Ventrilo + Mic is an absolute must, no exceptions
2) Hackers, glitchers, spammers, etc. will be kicked and reported if appropriate
3) If you rage then do not apply

We are a close group of friends who split from a top10 clan to form our own
As such, we have a lot of competition experience and strong communication skills

So if you think you have the skills, and the attitude to match
Then please apply at: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=45231
