
I have an idea for a new mode for CF, it is called "Resistance"

What happens?

The room setup is the same as Hero mode, Mutation etc, playing as GR or BL will not change teams. You don't use the weapons in your bag, If you are playing on the GR side, you spawn with an M4A1 FULL ammo, and if on BL, you spawn with an Ak-47 FULL ammo. When the game starts, you have 1000 points (This will have points like ZM), and a 20 second timer will start, when finished, 1 soldier will become infected, that mutant is the boss, and can call in supply crates for soldiers, HOWEVER!!, these supply crates are not real! and will explode when a soldier comes in cantact with it and will become a mutant, soldiers can get points by causing damage to mutants, or get 1000 points by killing mutants, and 1500 points if killed by headshot. Soldiers gain access to an In-Game shop, they can press "E" near boxes (Like the one that you get ammo from in ZM), and buy supply crates that will drop instantly, or they can buy any GP weapon in the game of their choice, but will cost 30,000 points to get weapons of their choice, the shop is below:

Normal Supply Crate:
Will contain normal stuff that are in the original Hero mode and mutation mode

Price: 2000 Points

Advanced Supply Crate:

1. M4A1 Adv (RARE)
2. Mp5
3. Thompson
4. Winchester
5. Smoke Grenade
6. Desert Eagle Pistol
7. USP pistol
8. Anaconda Pistol
9. AWM
10. RPK

Price: 6000 Points

Super Supply Crate:

1. M4A1 Custom (VERY RARE)
2. AWM Camo
3. MP5 ADV
4. Gattling Gun
5. Desert Eagle Pistol

Price: 10,000 Points

MEGA Supply Crate:

ALL the above + ALL gold weapons

Price: 25,000 Points

Thanks for taking time to read this and me and my friends will be happy to see this come true in future updates :D

Special Thanks to: (CrossFire IGNs)

1. NimOMax
2. zizobarca
3. aymench

My IGN is : crusher4536
