Cute & Tori

Hmmm not going to bad mouth anyone or say anything that doesn't need to be said. We and SYNR parted for more than one reason, not anyone in particular and we were not "cut".

So yeah, me and cute are lft. We have been on the same team for 4months with each other and even longer if you count "2team".
We work well with eachother and can hold a site.

We call
We clutch
We aim (except for me)

Cute ak's.
I'll probably awp again.
Or jump between m4 or ak.

Cute's xfire: treeko31
My xfire: torispelling

Either both of us or nothing. [package deal]
We'd both prefer to tryout for s5. But if sub is all that is available.
we'll see what's up.

~Last but not least, we have been known to give it ALL OR NOTHING

Edit: We'd like it if you have been around at least a month. And we'd love to play fgc.


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