Nanny's Knife tournament registery

As voted by the majority (2-1 laaame this will be a "Knife only cage match in Meusem".

So 1st of all I'll explain how this cage match will work. It's pretty straight forward. In the map meusem you will use only your knives and fight in the fountain (Located in the middle of the map). Once you are in the fountain you can't step out. If you do then it is a free kill for the other player. Ofcourse we will have spectators and if a player does not give up the free kill then we will just take a kill away from that player and give one to the other.

Once you die, you just simply head on back to the fountain. You are alowed to be up on the ledge of the fountain but if you fall to the outside, that is considered out of bounds and is what will make you give up the free kill. If you are not sure what i mean by the ledge then just play it safe and stay in the water.

So this tournament will be played 3on3. Different then most 3v3 tournaments you will actually be playing your matches 1on1. So each clan will choose a player to play 1st. Those players will play a cage match 40kills x2. You will play the 1st half in the server where you have the best ping and then the 2cnd half in the server where your oppenent has better ping.
This should balance the ping issue fairly well, keep in mind your ping roughly translates how many miliseconds it takes for your input to reach the server. So if you have 60 ping facing a player with 20, 40 miliseconds isnt a big difference and if you have higher than 60 ping im sure there is a server that you will have lower ping or atleast better ping than your opponent.

Which ever player has the most kills at the end of both halves wins and will give their clan a win.
It is played best of 3 games so which ever clan is leading after 3 games have been played will move on and the losing team will be eliminated.
In the very unlikely case that there is a draw then it will not count as a win or a loss and the next players in line will then step up.

Players can't play more than once in a match UNLESS after 3 games have been played and there is still no winner. Ex: Team One wins their 1st game but loses their second game to Team Two. The 3rd game is a draw (One player wins 40-35 in the 1st half but then loses 40-35 in the second resulting in a draw).
In this case each clan will choose a member to settle the tie in a sudden death match.
