Playspan scheduled updates - potential deposit issues at certain times
This message is for all Playspan Users!
Playspan is upgrading some of their networks, there will be a series of 5 upgrades over the course of the summer. These upgrades will be taking place at off-hours times and they should not affect any payments through their site.
However, in case you do experience a problem with Playspan during these times, please make sure to contact our support team and we will help solve the problem.
The following times below are the scheduled hours for Playspans Maintenance.
Playspan is upgrading some of their networks, there will be a series of 5 upgrades over the course of the summer. These upgrades will be taking place at off-hours times and they should not affect any payments through their site.
However, in case you do experience a problem with Playspan during these times, please make sure to contact our support team and we will help solve the problem.
The following times below are the scheduled hours for Playspans Maintenance.
1. May 21st, 2012, between 11pm and 1am Pacific Time (USA), we will be performing networking upgrades.
2. June 4th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be performing pre-migration tasks.
3. June 11th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating one set of components over to the new data center.
4. June 18th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating the second set of components to the new data center.
5. June 25th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating the third and final set of components to the new data center.
They don't expect to see any problems during these times, however should anything arise make sure to contact our support page.2. June 4th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be performing pre-migration tasks.
3. June 11th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating one set of components over to the new data center.
4. June 18th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating the second set of components to the new data center.
5. June 25th, 2012, between 10pm and 11pm Pacific Time (USA), we will be migrating the third and final set of components to the new data center.
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