

  • albretime wrote: »
    hate? youre not worth the hate, youre like one of those little bugs on the bottom of my shoes... straight up nothing but yet annoying

    good 1 :)
  • CeeKayy wrote: »
    PopZ* isn't in the STARTOVER

    CeeKayy wrote: »
    Same crappy quality staff
    There's a forum section for complaints, if you actually have valid negative feedback on staff you can file a formal complaint instead of whining on the Z8Games forums with no reason why you can define the staff as "crappy quality" (complain here:

    CeeKayy wrote: »
    i don't see this draft being any better than EG
    That's your opinion which I consider absolutely invalid.
    1) EG had no prizes, no form of legitimately knowing if a player is cheating or not besides the poor judgement of the staff on EG.
    2) EG hired nearly anyone and had low standard requirements for being staff
    3) Nearly anyone could get away with no recoiling / walling

    CeeKayy wrote: »
    i don't even bother attending cause it's so ridiculously idiotic,
    Maybe add some clarity to your post with valid REASONS why you think it's so ridiculously idiotic?

    CeeKayy wrote: »
    and the tournament will be the same
    Appears you know the future now, just because you don't like our draft for some unexplained reason means you can honestly say that a tournament will be exactly the same? Don't give invalid feedback without reasoning and false assumptions based unrelated services (draft)

    Unless you can give some valid reasoning to your statements then I advise everyone to consider your opinions absolutely useless.

    Good day sir. kdbWm.png