Kick vote system implemented in hm

Number one, I dont give a good God damn if you infract me or penalize me. My voice will be heard as Ive been a loyal playing & $$$PAYING$$$ customer to this game for over 3 years now. Dealt with all the bs hackers & did the best I could to just enjoy this game throughout the ups & downs. My voice will be heard & I really dont care if any MODS dont want to hear about it. Ive spent literally hundreds & hundreds of dollars over the years & just put down another 20 bucks after being away for the last 3 months...thinking to myself hmmm havnt played CF for a while, wonder whats up with it. Would be nice to gear up & get back in the action....WRONG. Two minutes into the first round of HM...I turn into the mutant...sneak around playing with my prey as I usually like to do...wait for them to come out of hiding & pown em all in 30 thing I know theyre all butt hurt & Im kicked from my own damn room I created...

Ive been an avid supporter of anti hack measures. Ive made several posts & threads bout it over the years. Ive tried to be a supportive voice yet offer reasonable & logical suggestions & concerns to better the game. The one saving grace that kept me playing & PAYING was Mutant Mode. At least there I could be pro & own & not have to worry bout being unfairly kicked...let the noobs QQ all they want, I didnt care. I was playing to win & have fun & sport my skills & thats exactly what I did.

Now you guys have decided to implement the vote kick system in Mutant Mode. I understand both sides of the issue here, but do you? Do you really & truly understand how much it sucks to be good at something & be screwed over for it? Cuz thats what the vote kick system really does to the truly skilled players in this game...Do you realize just how much & how often the vote kick system is used & abused by immature, ill informed players? DO you realize how much the good, better & pro players suffer from it? DO you realize all the wasted time a good player is going to accumulate from being unfairly kicked now? I dealt with the kick system in other game modes over the years so I know first hand from experience how often a good player DOESNT get to finish out a game cuz of immature little punks who dont use it properly.

You have ruined the very last sacred game mode for a skilled player here. YES hackers suck & it ruins the game at times, but at least there were still options to combat them while skilled & legit players could still play the game & have fun & be as good as they could be without having to worry bout being unfairly kicked for being too good.

Yep, Im sure hacks are waaay down now as a result, but youve sacrificed too much. The ends do not justify the means. Youve basically gone to the extreme to combat the hackers. Its akin to someone having a stubbed toe & remedying the problem by cutting off their leg. I know the majority of votes were for the vote kick system being implemented but as someone else pointed out on that thread, 4/5 of those people represent the noobs & are primarily the problems that really have plagued CF over the years.

Hell yeah Im mad & Im upset cuz yeah, I loved this game...and at the least HM & MM were still playable...but now youve ruined it for the rest of us. No one thats too good for their own good wants to spend their time getting kicked from well over 50% of the games just cuz they theyre good at what they do & are playing against poor sports or just simply younger kids who dont know any better. Dont care bout joining up with friend & clans either. Thats not always an option.

Listen up, theres a reason why you guys had to make a sticky thread bout not posting bout this anymore...the same reason I pointed out months ago on the poll thread before these changes were made...

"01-04-2012, 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by TimStryker
NO, we absolutely DONT need this added now or ever!

There are too many immature, juvenile, whiney little brats who kick legit players for all the wrong reasons.

Half the morons that agree to kick dont know a real hack from a hole in the ground. The other half simply agree to kick cuz theyre being little punks & think its funny or just want to do it to be antagonistic or simply to get rid of that player cuz theyre Ace.

The hacks suck yes, but thats why when hacks are are at that time high, I am room host, I kick them after game & continue to play with others who dont hack & enjoy that game.

The ONLY reason a vote kick system helps is to get rid of the hacks, but there are faaar more, morons & idiots that abuse the kick system then there are actual hackers that ruin the game. Give kick voting to HM & MM modes and you know what? Hacks wont be what everyone is complaining about, itll be all the ******s that are abusing the kick system & kicking people that dont deserve it.

Im all for a vote kick system if it were being utilized properly, maturely & fairly. But here at CF? Hell no, too many immature little brats misuse & abuse it. You might as well give a 5 year old a loaded gun & hope theyre smart enough to know how to safely use it.

if the overall player base that plays CF were worthy & capable of properly using the vote kick system, it wouldnt be a prob, but as has been proven time & time & time again, the only ones that really suffer from it are the pro & legit players who get unfairly kicked. Z8 has at least done the right thing by not allowing the kick system in HM & MM."

"I sure hope 80% of the community gets to read this. Well done."

You may say youre gonna hold your ground & youre not gonna change the decision. Thats your right as the owners & moderators of this game. And you may not care bout me or one individual player being upset & losing one paying customer...but I guarantee you, its not just me this is gonna affect. If you guys are gonna stick to your guns bout this, then at least go back & consider some of the other well thought out suggestions to complement the vote kick system. Suggested by myself & others. Let a high ranked player earn the right to be unkickable while being room host etc etc etc. Something...cuz the way it is now, Im gonna stick with it a while & still try to play but I already know from past experience here, Im gonna get unfairly kicked from well over half the games, get sick & tired of wasting my time with such stupid BS & take my time & $ elsewhere. Cuz as much as Ive enjoyed this game & all the time & $ Ive put into it, it just simply wont be playable or bearable any more.


  • 1. TL;DR
    2. I've come across 1-2 every week (maybe im just lucky)
    3. I still think the pros of the kick system outweigh the cons. You maybe kicked, but you can still get rid of hackers and more importantly, BLOCKERS. Who make the damn MM/HM/HMX matches twice as long =.=
    4. You're not the only person who spends money on this game.
  • Well TL DR for you oh well, some important things needs to be said & cant always be summed up to one individuals personal reading preferences. And yes agreed, there are those pros to it bout the blocking etc but in my personal experience the cons outweigh the pros. Difference of opinion based on our own game play experience & personalities etc etc I suppose. Bottom line, statistically when youre getting kicked from at least 50%+ of the games; say out of a 4 hour game session...who really wants to just throw away 2 hours of their life to achieve nothing? I play not only for the fun & challenge, but to actually achieve something...a victory...raising my stats...the exp & GP etc...not just to throw away 20 mins of my time per game to pown people then be cheated of a victory cuz people want to be stupid & childish & abuse the system. And believe me Ive kept track. When you can rack up 150-200 points or more per game, just too many ignorant, childish players here in CF whod rather abuse the system. It screws the legit good players out of their game experience.
  • Agreed with everything you said, and I mean everything.

    The hackers are at a normal amount and have been so for months, it looks like the anti hack is actually working now, so the conclusion that kick vote may be limiting hackers is wrong.
  • MM, HM and HMX has been and will always be my "entertainment" mode.
    When I say that I meant I don't give a damn if I get kicked or not, the records don't count anyways.

    I will tell you and the 80% of people that are reading this right now, when G4 does take Vote kick off,
    MOST of you will start to QQ and want it back.

    There are always Pros & Cons to everything, G4 can not satisfy everyone, but they can reduce the hacking and such. I would rather get kicked then having all those hackers running around in the game.

    And I get kick most of the time in GM.
  • You should read this. The system was voted for by the community, and is here to stay.

    The above post also sums up what I would've said. I'd rather get kicked occasionally for being good than have blockers and hackers ruin the fun whenever I feel like playing the mode.

    Edit: If I completely missed the point of this thread, then my bad. tl;dr.
  • K, heres some facts, derived from my own personal observations playing CF over the years. There has always been hackers ruining this game. When I first started playing Ghost Mode, a little over 3 years ago now, hacks were way rampant & out of control. It was unbelievable the sheer numbers of constant players using obvious hacks that youd see every single game. Then Xtrap came along & cleaned things up considerably....then eventually the hacks came back more prevalent, but not as bad as before at least.

    Ever since then its pretty much been an ongoing vicious up & down cycle with the hackers. The hacks would be patched...the game would be playable for at least a few days to a week...sometimes 2 weeks if we were lucky...then one day youd see the first few hacks throughout that day pop biggie tho cuz it was only a few random players. Then within a few more days to a week from then, the level of players hacking had gotten so high, that it was pretty much pointless to try to play the game.

    ...Soooo wed have to wait for the next patch....which surprisingly would sometimes take up to 2 solid months! Sometimes about 3-4 weeks IF we were lucky....then we could play again without any hacks...then wed get maybe another 1-2 weeks of hack free playing, then the hacks would start to show up on & so on, this cycle continued like that for months & months & months up until I last played about 3 months ago.

    Point is, at least during those hack free periods, we were able to fully play & enjoy MM, then eventually HM when it was introduced. And even when there were some hacks, I did a damn fine job keeping them in check in my rooms. I learned some tricks to thwart them & kick them from my room after the game, despite their efforts to circumvent me, I was usually able to easily get rid of every hacker that would dare enter my room. I ran a tight ship when it came to hacking, blocking & plain old glitching & cheating. Only when the hacking was way out of control & there would be 2-3 hackers that would show up every game, did I feel overwhelmed & just didnt give a damn anymore & decided to just stop playing for a couple weeks till they were patched again.

    But for the most part, due to my efforts as room host, along with the games anti hack efforts, most the time, at least the game was still playable & enjoyable.

    Now theres a much, MUCH worse threat on the horizon then hackers...Ignornace & stupidity. Stemming from players that DO NOT use the kick system justly or fairly. Too many of them out there that abuse it & misuse it Way more of a prob them the hackers were.

    To comment on a few things said here:

    Getting occasionally kicked unfairly wouldnt be a prob. But to me occasionally means maybe 10-20% of the games at most. Not at least 50% of the time. My days owning & powning Ghost mode taught me that hard lesson...thats why as much as I liked that mode, I eventually pretty much stuck to MM & HM, cuz Its just stupid & pointless getting kicked all the damn time. Its ruins the game & ruins the fun of it.

    And yes the majority of the community voted for vote kick or MM & HM surprisingly...but not that surprising when you stop to consider who most of those votes prolly belong to. If you want to comment on this thread, then do take the time to read it entirely...

    "I know the majority of votes were for the vote kick system being implemented but as someone else pointed out on that thread, 4/5 of those people represent the noobs & are primarily the problems that really have plagued CF over the years."

    And if this is to tl dr then dont bother posting & move on to the next thread then.

    I completely agree with the person that made that quoted observation. Just cuz the masses might vote for or against something or be mostly in favor of something, doesnt always mean its the right choice. Just take a look at our own real life world history over the past centuries. Just cuz the majority might be in agreement bout something doesnt always make it right. Take a good hard look at who 4/5 of those votes prolly belong to....
  • TimStryker wrote: »
    Number one, I dont give a good God damn if you infract me or penalize me. My voice will be heard as Ive been a loyal playing & $$$PAYING$$$ customer to this game for over 3 years now. Dealt with all the bs hackers & did the best I could to just enjoy this game throughout the ups & downs. My voice will be heard & I really dont care if any MODS dont want to hear about it. Ive spent literally hundreds & hundreds of dollars over the years & just put down another 20 bucks after being away for the last 3 months...thinking to myself hmmm havnt played CF for a while, wonder whats up with it. Would be nice to gear up & get back in the action....WRONG. Two minutes into the first round of HM...I turn into the mutant...sneak around playing with my prey as I usually like to do...wait for them to come out of hiding & pown em all in 30 thing I know theyre all butt hurt & Im kicked from my own damn room I created...

    Ive been an avid supporter of anti hack measures. Ive made several posts & threads bout it over the years. Ive tried to be a supportive voice yet offer reasonable & logical suggestions & concerns to better the game. The one saving grace that kept me playing & PAYING was Mutant Mode. At least there I could be pro & own & not have to worry bout being unfairly kicked...let the noobs QQ all they want, I didnt care. I was playing to win & have fun & sport my skills & thats exactly what I did.

    Now you guys have decided to implement the vote kick system in Mutant Mode. I understand both sides of the issue here, but do you? Do you really & truly understand how much it sucks to be good at something & be screwed over for it? Cuz thats what the vote kick system really does to the truly skilled players in this game...Do you realize just how much & how often the vote kick system is used & abused by immature, ill informed players? DO you realize how much the good, better & pro players suffer from it? DO you realize all the wasted time a good player is going to accumulate from being unfairly kicked now? I dealt with the kick system in other game modes over the years so I know first hand from experience how often a good player DOESNT get to finish out a game cuz of immature little punks who dont use it properly.

    You have ruined the very last sacred game mode for a skilled player here. YES hackers suck & it ruins the game at times, but at least there were still options to combat them while skilled & legit players could still play the game & have fun & be as good as they could be without having to worry bout being unfairly kicked for being too good.

    Yep, Im sure hacks are waaay down now as a result, but youve sacrificed too much. The ends do not justify the means. Youve basically gone to the extreme to combat the hackers. Its akin to someone having a stubbed toe & remedying the problem by cutting off their leg. I know the majority of votes were for the vote kick system being implemented but as someone else pointed out on that thread, 4/5 of those people represent the noobs & are primarily the problems that really have plagued CF over the years.

    Hell yeah Im mad & Im upset cuz yeah, I loved this game...and at the least HM & MM were still playable...but now youve ruined it for the rest of us. No one thats too good for their own good wants to spend their time getting kicked from well over 50% of the games just cuz they theyre good at what they do & are playing against poor sports or just simply younger kids who dont know any better. Dont care bout joining up with friend & clans either. Thats not always an option.

    Listen up, theres a reason why you guys had to make a sticky thread bout not posting bout this anymore...the same reason I pointed out months ago on the poll thread before these changes were made...

    "01-04-2012, 01:38 PM

    Originally Posted by TimStryker
    NO, we absolutely DONT need this added now or ever!

    There are too many immature, juvenile, whiney little brats who kick legit players for all the wrong reasons.

    Half the morons that agree to kick dont know a real hack from a hole in the ground. The other half simply agree to kick cuz theyre being little punks & think its funny or just want to do it to be antagonistic or simply to get rid of that player cuz theyre Ace.

    The hacks suck yes, but thats why when hacks are are at that time high, I am room host, I kick them after game & continue to play with others who dont hack & enjoy that game.

    The ONLY reason a vote kick system helps is to get rid of the hacks, but there are faaar more, morons & idiots that abuse the kick system then there are actual hackers that ruin the game. Give kick voting to HM & MM modes and you know what? Hacks wont be what everyone is complaining about, itll be all the ******s that are abusing the kick system & kicking people that dont deserve it.

    Im all for a vote kick system if it were being utilized properly, maturely & fairly. But here at CF? Hell no, too many immature little brats misuse & abuse it. You might as well give a 5 year old a loaded gun & hope theyre smart enough to know how to safely use it.

    if the overall player base that plays CF were worthy & capable of properly using the vote kick system, it wouldnt be a prob, but as has been proven time & time & time again, the only ones that really suffer from it are the pro & legit players who get unfairly kicked. Z8 has at least done the right thing by not allowing the kick system in HM & MM."

    "I sure hope 80% of the community gets to read this. Well done."

    You may say youre gonna hold your ground & youre not gonna change the decision. Thats your right as the owners & moderators of this game. And you may not care bout me or one individual player being upset & losing one paying customer...but I guarantee you, its not just me this is gonna affect. If you guys are gonna stick to your guns bout this, then at least go back & consider some of the other well thought out suggestions to complement the vote kick system. Suggested by myself & others. Let a high ranked player earn the right to be unkickable while being room host etc etc etc. Something...cuz the way it is now, Im gonna stick with it a while & still try to play but I already know from past experience here, Im gonna get unfairly kicked from well over half the games, get sick & tired of wasting my time with such stupid BS & take my time & $ elsewhere. Cuz as much as Ive enjoyed this game & all the time & $ Ive put into it, it just simply wont be playable or bearable any more.

    Wow dude there are 2 copied/pasted or you are very bored.
  • *sigh, Tim your pressuring me to write a essay too but I'm not that bored and I don't have the time.

    Yes I agree with you, I might not have played as long as all of you people, (started last June) but I can see that cycle happening. but lately I've also notice that its not as bad as before.

    I've got two questions for you,
    1) when start of a game, a hacker comes in with speed and instant kill, round count is at 1/17 what would you do? How do you keep him "in check"?

    2) start of a game, round count is at 1/17, and every round there are always a blocker, what would you do? How do you keep him "in check"?

    Yes that may be the case, but even if 4/5 was voted by noobs, they had one thing in mind when voting, "yeah! We can finally kick those hacks from MM, HM and HMX!" It wasnt their intention to "kick the pro". We've all been there, being a noob thinking everyone who kills you is a hacker.

    I have to agree with you, stupidity&jealousy is a constant pain, but kiddies gonna be kiddies, haters going to be haters, noobs going to be noobs and so on, get over it. They are who they are, there's no way you are going to get into their house and beat them up or something. Making these kind of thread or rage in public only make trollers day. I would know cuz I was one.

    I'm going to end this with a quote,
    "We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…."
  • so what exactly is your suggestion here...?
  • so what exactly is your suggestion here...?

    Very good question Natt. Aside from the one I briefly highlighted bout having non kickable room hosts & they have to EARN & keep that right, mentioned in the last paragraph of the first post here, I have plenty others Ive offered over time. And theres been some other good, solid, reasonable ideas offered by others as well that I could prolly dig up. And its not as simple as just anyone can be a non kickable room host, cuz of course there would be some possible problems with that obviously. Ive got a very detailed, layed out plan which would address a lot of those foreseeable problems & concerns with that concept. Which in the end, in my opinion makes it a very feasible & workable addition to the kick vote system.

    I dont have time to get into it atm, I do have to work for a living & need to actually get ready here shortly. My weekends are usually tied up as well as Im usually busy doing other stuff. But as long as it would be fairly considered at least, Id be more then happy to take the time to post a couple of those suggestions here, in good detail & as short & to the point as possible. The week coming up is looking to be busy too, but prolly could do so by next Wednesday at the latest. So long as itd be fairly considered, Id be more then happy to offer up a few solid suggestions when I have the time.
  • Danny_Yang wrote: »
    I would rather get kicked then having all those hackers running around in the game.

    And I get kick most of the time in GM.

    And what is the difference between an hacker coming in a game and ruining your fun or it being ruined by kick vote?

    I see no difference tbh and I experience being kicked way more than getting hacked on, esp now hacking is at a all time low.
    TimStryker wrote: »
    Now theres a much, MUCH worse threat on the horizon then hackers...Ignornace & stupidity. Stemming from players that DO NOT use the kick system justly or fairly. Too many of them out there that abuse it & misuse it Way more of a prob them the hackers were.

    Exactly, I'm sure most of the players that say "kicking isn't so bad" don't experience it much, but they say they see hackers.

    Kick vote is just a legal hack.
    TimStryker wrote: »
    And yes the majority of the community voted for vote kick or MM & HM surprisingly...but not that surprising when you stop to consider who most of those votes prolly belong to.

    TimStryker wrote: »
    I completely agree with the person that made that quoted observation. Just cuz the masses might vote for or against something or be mostly in favor of something, doesnt always mean its the right choice. Just take a look at our own real life world history over the past centuries. Just cuz the majority might be in agreement bout something doesnt always make it right. Take a good hard look at who 4/5 of those votes prolly belong to....


    I love people who say well it was "popular" and "it's what people voted for" as if that makes it 'ok' - The result was obvious, noobs wanna kick!.

    Also the majority voted in favour of Hitler and Tony Blair, and also voted George Bush into office not once but TWICE! That dude can't even read a teleprompter properly, how does an ignorant cowboy get elected twice?:rolleyes:

    People are just stupid.
    Danny_Yang wrote: »
    1) when start of a game, a hacker comes in with speed and instant kill, round count is at 1/17 what would you do? How do you keep him "in check"

    Leave if I was bored or just let him do his thing, it ends the game quicker, you get your GP/EXP still and he might even help you do your mission faster, I like farming MM/HM/HMX games (they are too long). Kills and deaths don't count so it doesn't even affect your profile!
    Danny_Yang wrote: »
    2) start of a game, round count is at 1/17, and every round there are always a blocker, what would you do? How do you keep him "in check"?

    You'll probably start with a gun as a human use it!
    Danny_Yang wrote: »
    Yes that may be the case, but even if 4/5 was voted by noobs, they had one thing in mind when voting, "yeah! We can finally kick those hacks from MM, HM and HMX!" It wasnt their intention to "kick the pro". We've all been there, being a noob thinking everyone who kills you is a hacker.

    It was their intention, they saw those guys on the top of the score board and knew they hack, they know the guy who killed two mutants hacked, they knew the gringos with mini pings hacked.

    They wanted to kick the hackers but the trouble was and is they don't know what hackers are and they just wanted to kick out of jealousy too.

    Prior to kick vote being added nobody said "hack" unless there was indeed a hacker, am I right?

    Now when you mutate a guy, or kill a mutant they sometimes start to say your hacking, am I right?

    Why? because they got mad because they failed and know they can kick out the better players instead of trying to win.
  • TimStryker wrote: »
    Very good question Natt. Aside from the one I briefly highlighted bout having non kickable room hosts

    because, as a host of a room, you have full control over who comes into said room?

    not feasible...besides the point someone could "earn" the right to get non-kickable...and they decide to hack themselves, therefore not getting kicked and farming kills.

    there are many loopholes that you have not discussed//thought about.
  • TimStryker wrote: »
    My voice will be heard as Ive been a loyal playing & $$$PAYING$$$ customer to this game for over 3 years now

    Stopped reading after this and laughed.

    No you're not.
  • because, as a host of a room, you have full control over who comes into said room?

    not feasible...besides the point someone could "earn" the right to get non-kickable...and they decide to hack themselves, therefore not getting kicked and farming kills.

    there are many loopholes that you have not discussed//thought about.

    There are loop holes in everything, it's finding the right balance though.

    Crossfire is no fun once you become an average player as you are already better than 99% of the community and will get kicked for it, the balence at present is too noob sided - it needs adjustment.
  • hi i read some things that you all wrote her my english is not very good im only 16 but i understood the most and i have the same opinion like Tymstriker im a real hmx pro i always make minimum the double kills of the second my clan is a clan for the best hm pros the name of it is hm my in game name is ficklich maybe you can add me and we can play my record is 561 kills in hmx thats not much but ok
    i hate this kick voting system too every day i play so often and what i get after 5 hours only 1000 exp or less because i alway get kicked from this fuuking noobs
    if theres a votekicking system there will be never fun for pros they must make it away or never good people can play i think it would be good if there would be no vote kicking system and surveys are only waste becasue 80 % noobs vote the bad thing so why it isnt like in league of legends? after a game there is a button where you can report people for things like haaking its very difficult to report people in this game thats really shiit if it would be like in leagua of legends we would not need a vote kicking system any more
    sry for my bad english i hope you can undestand all
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    There are loop holes in everything, it's finding the right balance though.

    Crossfire is no fun once you become an competent player as you are already better than 80% of the community and will get kicked for it, the balence at present is too noob sided - it needs adjustment.

    Fixed that for you.

    Suggested fix rates for vote kick.
  • because, as a host of a room, you have full control over who comes into said room?

    not feasible...besides the point someone could "earn" the right to get non-kickable...and they decide to hack themselves, therefore not getting kicked and farming kills.

    there are many loopholes that you have not discussed//thought about.

    To answer your question Natt - no. My idea bout being a room host is not bout being God Mode, its simply bout being a non kickable room host - thats it. Otherwise the same current rules apply. You can kick those you dont want after the game. You say there are too many loopholes that I have not discussed....yes I know, I said that much in my last post in fact...I havent really addressed those loopholes in this thread...yet. And I dont see how you could have any idea about what it is I have or have not thought about yet......I have in fact thought of many things which I plan to address here asap. Including properly addressing your concern of them hacking themselves.....prolly by later tonight...imma drudge through some of the other posts from others I can recall, including my own.

    Giggletron wrote: »
    Stopped reading after this and laughed.

    No you're not.

    Uh-huh.....and your point is what exactly? Wait NVM actually I dont care. You obviously havent a clue what youre talking bout. If you have anything productive to contribute to the topic go ahead, else please stop wasting everyones time.

    Chimpzz wrote: »
    And what is the difference between an hacker coming in a game and ruining your fun or it being ruined by kick vote?

    Exactly, I'm sure most of the players that say "kicking isn't so bad" don't experience it much, but they say they see hackers.

    Kick vote is just a legal hack.

    Thank you Chimpzz for your constructive & insightful thoughts. Yes, I would say MOST of the people that voted for it are in other words, Noobs. A noob to me can mean several things. Either a lack of skill, or lack of education & understanding of the basic game mechanics, or simply they might just be young & too immature to view the issue on the same level as other players here. And Id bet youre right, MOST of them prolly dont get kicked often enough for it to bother them or for them to care like the rest of us do.

    And Thank you as well Sexgeil. No worries, your English was perfectly understandable. ( ;

    And Danny, to answer your questions, the best answer I have to give you at this time is, youre right, some of the times youre just damned during a round when there are hackers & blockers etc. Other times, there are other ways around those issues that Im not going to publicly comment on for one simple reason. If Vote kick was eventually abolished in MM & HM, then Id fall back to some of those old tricks to continue to combat them like I used to. And even if it remains, theres still some things as a room host you can do. Theres always more then one solution to a prob. Sometimes just requires a little ingenuity & strategy. Im not bout to give those things away to possibly educate those that I would want to use them against in future matches.

    With that, Imma spend some more time now, compiling some thoughts & ideas & post them here when I can.
  • My original idea consists of allowing only the very high ranked players ( Second Lieutenant or higher for example ) , the ability to be non kickable room hosts.

    Number one, having a player with this high ranked account or higher is going to automatically deter 99% of those players from ever doing anything stupid or foolish, like hacking & glitching that would cause them to get suspended & eventually banned. A person with this high of a level player account isnt going to risk losing it using hacks & glitches, period...even if they werent an unkickable room host.

    But especially a player with that privilege, would be under far more scrutiny from the other players who would be even more eager to quickly report them at the first sign of cheating...but again think about it...most people arent going to be stupid enough to lose their account being such a high level, so most players that join their room wouldnt even have to worry bout them cheating in the first place.

    On to another foreseeable problem. Well what if that player is just being stupid & immature and not really doing anything that would result in a suspension or ban? Maybe theyre just being punks & not a player youd prefer to be stuck with? A.K.A., a bad room host. Very simple answer. Just like real life, you can normally pick & choose who you want to play with or hang out with. If you dont like said room host, then go find another unkickable room host to play with in his room. Or just go to a normal room where there isnt a room host with sufficient rank to be unkickable.

    Bottom line here people, is again, just like real life, theres always gonna be idiots & punks & antagonistic little trolls you dont wanna deal with AND there is also going to be good, decent, down to earth, nice, cool people to play with too. And everyone else in between that you can still at least deal with & interact with & enjoy the game with.

    Like I said, I been playing this game over 3 years now. I speak from personal in game experience & also from that of my real life experience. Yes Ive seen some rather idiotic & stupid players with a high level account, like second lieutenant or higher as Ive suggested. But Ive mainly observed that the majority of them are at least, decent people that just want to play fair & enjoy the game. And yes I have seen on very rare occasions, a high ranked player like that cheating or hacking or glitching...but it has been very seldom...chances are more likely that it was prolly someones account that got hacked or their friend or big brother at their house playing their account. In the end, I firmly believe this idea is completely feasible & realistic & will greatly help to solve a lot of the problems here with the current vote kick system.

    And although not necessary, if you wanted to take this a step further, you could implement an end game vote screen that automatically pops up at the beginning of the last round, or even at the end game summary page where everyone else could vote on the room hosts overall performance & personal etiquette during the game. Something as simple as a thumbs up or a thumbs down. It would literally take about a second of a players time to click the correct corresponding icon. Then that record could be displayed as a permanent record viewable by other players at any time. This record would be accumulated & recorded into the players permanent account info from one game to the next, each time they were an unkickable room host. Basically would just help to keep less then scrupulous room hosts in check & let others know ahead of time if that room host if likely to be a good room host or not.

    Another added benefit of all this would be just something cool for a low level player to strive for. Another added reason & motivation for a player to keep playing & advance his account. ( ;

    Thats it for now, sorry but too tired right now to spend an hour or two or more trying to dig through other posts. There are some other good ideas out there that have been presented in the past but I think this one in itself is good enough & merits proper acknowledgment & consideration.

    Any other thoughts or suggestions or possible flaws or even constructive criticisms, please post & lets continue to have a good constructive discussion on it & see where it might take us.
  • TimStryker wrote: »
    My voice will be heard

    Rofl. No. Just no.
  • TimStryker wrote: »
    Uh-huh.....and your point is what exactly? Wait NVM actually I dont care. You obviously havent a clue what youre talking bout. If you have anything productive to contribute to the topic go ahead, else please stop wasting everyones time.

    I love it when people say that :)

    Tell me... what exactly are you paying for?
  • A simple solution, remove vote kick system and increase in-game Moderator population.

    Not sure if this would actually be a good idea, just a thought. I feel that the kick system is in a good place though, as sometimes you get the players who have around 200-1,000 ping, and they are either doing very bad, or extremely good (internet lag on their side, obviously), so I believe this is probably the only good time for the kick vote system to be in place.

    Other than this, I believe hacking is on the low currently, and they don't usually get kicked anyways, so yeah. That's all.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    Stopped reading after this and laughed.

    I love it too when people say they stopped reading something yet feel the need to still hang around & make off topic posts. ( ;
  • Kicked from the last 4 HMX games i played.

    meh, i have no idear why kickvote would be added to a mode where people change teams, the ammount of raging that goes on ingame calling for kicks is insane...

    wait, they did a poll on it didnt they, and people wanted it added.

    On topic they need to raise the threshold for a kickvote to pass in hmx/mm/ffa ect.
  • Giggletron wrote: »
    Tell me... what exactly are you paying for?

    We don't, we just give the money away for free to our master saidin:)
    On topic they need to raise the threshold for a kickvote to pass in hmx/mm/ffa ect.

    They did? still 10?
  • Well, Imma post my suggestion as its own separate thread then. I was asked by a mod here what do I suggest. I made that suggestion & so far no response, either for or against...
  • so what exactly is your suggestion here...?
    i'd rather have hackers in my game then rather getting kicked and get no reward what so ever. I pwn hackers so easy that they rage quit.
  • i'd rather have hackers in my game then rather getting kicked and get no reward what so ever. I pwn hackers so easy that they rage quit.

    Then you must be one of those 20% who disagrees about the kickvote system. Because 80% wanted this to happen. You're not suggesting anything here you're protesting to a decision wich has already been made.

    Of course we can make the kickvote less annoying by adding a penalty to those who've been kicked. (psst, check the link in my signature)
  • Then you must be one of those 20% who disagrees about the kickvote system. Because 80% wanted this to happen. You're not suggesting anything here you're protesting to a decision wich has already been made.

    Of course we can make the kickvote less annoying by adding a penalty to those who've been kicked. (psst, check the link in my signature)

    No offense but it's that 80% that causes these types of threads/posts.

    Hackers in MM caused minimal problems in fact so small it was insignificant.
  • Then you must be one of those 20% who disagrees about the kickvote system. Because 80% wanted this to happen. You're not suggesting anything here you're protesting to a decision wich has already been made.

    Of course we can make the kickvote less annoying by adding a penalty to those who've been kicked. (psst, check the link in my signature)
    As u see the kick vote system is useless when 7-11 year old kids don't kick blockers/hackers. They only kick people who is better then them.
  • As u see the kick vote system is useless when 7-11 year old kids don't kick blockers/hackers. They only kick people who is better then them.

    The truth is told......

    Never have I ever seen a blocker kicked for blocking, too many noobs in cf for that, they all Want to be blocked. I have seen hackers kicked and that's good, but I get a hacker 1/20 rooms, and 1/30 games they get kicked. So the kick vote is not much of a help.

    Before the kick vote was implemented you could do awesome things like get 10x the next best players score and such which is cool. But now that's impossible cause generally when your going that hardcore in a game even the "legit" "I only kick hackers" low pingers start typing "f11 kick this piece of s***".