I wanna get AK
As a new player, it will take a while getting to the required rank...well it depends on how much you play and whether you have much experience with FPS games.
If you're really tired of the m16, and really want an AK, you could get an AK-74. It's no way near as powerful as the 47, but it has a similar feel. Plus there is no rank requirement. Just don't sell it or buy an extra gun because it's unlikely you'll have enough gp for the AK47.
However, I wouldn't reccomend going with the 74 straight away. Play on elimination on the maps Alaska and Crossroads where you have to pick up weapons from the ground. I would suggest trying out the mp5, the m4a1 or the k1a, as they tend to work as good starter guns.
Anyways, good luck. -
The AK47 has massive recoil, and very few people can control it efficiently. I can pop headshots with it though on Alaska a fair bit, however this took a lot of practice. In my opinion the AK74 feels nothing like an AK47, and more like an M16, they have a similar accuracy level and recoil. But if you are new DON'T go for the AK47 - it's too difficult to use for new players. Instead, get the M4A1 or the K2. These are very good guns and fairly simple to use and are user friendly.
I'm a total newbie and after looking around on z8games doc, I can't find any way to buy AK because I'm tired of M16.
So.. Anyone could explain me how to buy it? Do I have to reach a certain level?
Ak74 - 40000GP (all ranks)
Ak47 - 43000GP ( Staff Class1)
Ak Camo-2400 ZP (7Days all Ranks)
Ak Scope- ZP Crates (Permanent & all ranks)
Ak Silver-6900BP(Permanent)
Ak-Knife- 150Coupons(Permanent)
I hope i have help u
or buy to begin a M4A1 its
the best to start Crossfire -
llllH3XORllll wrote: »Ak74 - 40000GP (all ranks)
Ak47 - 43000GP ( Staff Class1)
Ak Camo-2400 ZP (7Days all Ranks)
Ak Scope- ZP Crates (Permanent & all ranks)
Ak Silver-6900BP(Permanent)
Ak-Knife- 150Coupons(Permanent)
I hope i have help u
or buy to begin a M4A1 its
the best to start Crossfire -
Engy_Bengy wrote: »As a new player, it will take a while getting to the required rank...well it depends on how much you play and whether you have much experience with FPS games.
If you're really tired of the m16, and really want an AK, you could get an AK-74. It's no way near as powerful as the 47, but it has a similar feel. Plus there is no rank requirement. Just don't sell it or buy an extra gun because it's unlikely you'll have enough gp for the AK47.
However, I wouldn't reccomend going with the 74 straight away. Play on elimination on the maps Alaska and Crossroads where you have to pick up weapons from the ground. I would suggest trying out the mp5, the m4a1 or the k1a, as they tend to work as good starter guns.
Anyways, good luck.
micro galil should help him -
AK recoil is easy to handle. 3 shot bursts long range, 2 second hold down on fire button for mid range and you can probably spray for close range. AK was my first gun, easy to use. Recoil pushes gun to head, usual 3rd hit does headshot if you aim at the chest.
could make a field type colombia but all black and the objective was to kill without seeing the opponent with pump, pump and we had endless in this field, as ha field knives could also aver bomb would be a great field, this is my soggestions fought; D espro that makes the field
if you a total noob then you shouldnt be buying an ak, probably too much recoil to handle....
i play fairly decent and the recoil still messes me up
just stick with the m4...best gun to learn with
well you see, if someone is specifically looking for AK 47, it means they've already played it from another fps. AK 47 is pretty much the same in any fps there is, he shouldn't be too bad.
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