Fight4Frag Public meeting

Fight4Frag is hosting a public meeting so we can get ideas of what rules the crossfire community wants and what you guys will be seeing from us in the future..
All you need is ventrilo [mic not required]
Our head admin will be doin all the talking we will let you guys talk as well..
no spamming in the meeting it will be instant bann from our league and ventrilo..
meeting tonight 4/10/12 9:30 PM est kinda late but still goin do it we will have an early meeting tomarrow as well..
ventrilo: port 4936
Everyone and anyone is welcome to come we want you to bring ideas and just come to listen what we got to offer you all and listen bout our leagues..
when you get in ventrilo put F4F Meeting in your comment so we can pull you down if thats not in your comment then you wont be pulled down or move to our Fight4Frag lobby thanks have a great day..
RERUN for people that didnt make it
4/11/12 8:30 PM est
