What time you guys wake tomorrow ? CROSSFIRE & BLACkFRIDAY

I think this year is really different than the past years because of crossfire .

tomorrow we will have Crossfire bigupdate patch, and I am pretty sure everyone is very excited . I personally will go to Blackfriday first and then go home and check out CF patch .

what about you guys , are you going to stay up all night , wait for the patch , then go to blackfriday .

This year is so excited , so many things happened , economicproblem , crossfire , blackfriday , stock market down and up , gas prices. etc ....

I am so happy today and tomorrow . I Will get my PS3 at GAMESTOP tomorrow at 6:00 AM. I gonna go home and check the most big patch ever from z8games . 2-4 hours of updating , think about it , it gonna be big .

What about u guys , what you guys do tomorrow morning ?
