ESG CUP room info

the room must have the name of your team vs who ever you are playing and ESGc infront of it for example

ESGc: throne vs ataraxia

Also the room must have 6 spectator slots meaning 3 on each side.
if you don't know what that is click observer and MAX 6 PERSONS

Also I will have a pw written down on the schedule for your room, I will give you that pw. You have to use that pw. So that if any admins wants to come in and watch we can.
If the room doesn't have the correct pw and 6 spectate slots and the name of the room isn't correct then that will result in a illegal room and you will have to remake the room

for semi finals-championship there will be interviews with the team leader and co-leader. and the admins of this cup will ask them some questions like they did in wogl or wcg.

Thank you-the esg cup admins

AND BTW THE SITE IS COMING SOON... we the admins are working on it as we speak


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