xfam0usx and Mates

I'm xfam0usx and I'm tired of making countless new clans with my mates because of irresponsibility or getting hacked or inactive leaders, etc... For a week or so I'll watch this thread and see who wants to recruit me and my mates... Requirements:
1. Must be able to fit me and my mates in: xfam0usx, xfarm0usx, 12A1313IT, SpyderDKW, Sonatrix, sk1llzk1llz, and maybe a few more if they wanna tag along.
2. Must have around 30 or more members.. (at least 25) and must be active.. not just noobs sittin there not playing for days...
3. Don't have to be a Scrim clan, I participate in scrims when wanted but i hate them becuase soooo many hackers in scrims... Mostly just play wit my mates in Pubs...
4. I don't want a clan that is so serious that they get mad at you for messing up on the smallest thing.. those are no fun... Need a fun clan but not a sucky one :S
5. At least near or close to rank 1000 .. of course i mean lower than that also :S...

Stats for me and my mates:
xfam0usx: k/d= 2.4 6336/2717 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4935386 P.S. I got hacked awhile back or my kd would be higher... normally hit about a 2.5-3.0kd
12A1313IT: k/d=1.6 36178/22326 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5232867
xfarm0usx([T]ruama right now): k/d=1.4 27384/19150 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5229229
Sonatrix: k/d=1.8 59473/33665 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4109422
Sk1llzk1llz: Under a 1 k/d but is my friend... http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5719521
WAHAMMA: k/d=1.15 29051/25946 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5191531
SpyderDKW: k/d=1.4 23182/16241 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3843986

Videos if any for us:
Me: multiple videos http://www.youtube.com/user/TDLxfam0usx
Sonatrix: (lol just got grounded.. not sure if he will be on) http://www.youtube.com/user/Sonatrix

Thats it... Thanks for your offers!
