Updates to FFA system

I saw the new map for FFA and went and played it and was very disappointed. I use to play FFA but then hackers took over but then with the kick system there is no hackers now.I noticed a few issues though.


-Spawning right on top of each other-There has to be some way to get people not to spawn right on each other. I understand its a fast pase game but camping is taking out and rushing is to because 3 second spawns

-Small maps- there needs to be a few larger maps released. The new eagle eye map for FFA is only good for around 6 people.

Same as SND maps- most of the maps(if not all) the maps are SND maps which is pretty
umb..There should be many choices...

Things people need to get over in FFA

-Kicking hack or being kicked once and awhile

Think of anything else post it below.Disagree with anything post it...
