KlutchKilleR & KlutchKi1leR Lft

Unfortunately, my original thread has been closed due to excessive trolling. Why troll on the greatest players to have ever touched this game? Sad to see so many people are jealous of us.
Alright here's out stats.
Aim- I don't want to brag, but it is near perfect. We can hit many of the far shots
Game sense-Out of this world!!! It's just that good, 8/10 on the low end
Unfortunately, KlutchKilleR Jr does not have a mic, but Pa pa klutch does
Send us a message in game or xfire Klutchkiller at xfire: klu7chkiller
Ign- KlutchKilleR
Ign- KlutchKi1leR
Even though I am sure that this thread will hit the 10k mark, this will start to catch the attention of many pedos.
