LPK Cup #1 Semi Finals

Match ups Wednesday, March 21:
FG.Avarice vs winOut
TIME: 9:00 EST

FG.Hammertime vs LPK
TIME: 10:30 EST

If a team can not make the scheduled time. The leader must message me ahead of time with a reason, and also contact the opposing teams leader. There is the possibility of a reschedule on Tuesday.

The map list for Round 2 of playoffs is:
Eagle Eye, Ankara, Black Widow

Home Team picks server for first map. Away team picks server for second map. Home team picks side + initial server for tie breaker. The away team may switch servers at half.

If any of the participating teams has questions message me. An updated copy of the rules and spread sheet with standings can be found here below.
Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ws1Rd-ErpSEXpu3LJsAkNrLJmMjDQcmFu2LiOF_4LBc/edit

Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av-4Sya_kOUTdFpUcGNTdlkyMlhSZmJJNHNNSTJsSHc
