What I've taught so far.

Hey guys it's me winRAWR. Yes the REAL winRAWR. After two weeks in tandem,I can safely say they are ready for REAL competitive play. I've taught them so much in the last two weeks,that I should be paid. But luckily the gaygod is a good buddy of mine. If it wasn't for me they would probably be lost and confused when it comes to scrims. After one game of source with me they also learned how it feels to play with an ESEA invite player. It's amazing what you can teach a team.

Now for the real reason I posted. If anybody is interested in being taught the basics of winning in this game,I am willing to ring/scrim with you guys all day. I can spoon-feed you or I can just teach you little by little as the scrim goes on. 1st scrim is free,after that I will need monetary compensation.

With regards,winRAWR
