KlutchKilleR and KlutchKi1ler Lft

Uhhh yeah, we're both lft. This may be the chance of your lifetime to get the whole package. KlutchKiller and KlutchKiller Jr are lft.

I don't mean to brag, but our gamesense is probaly really good. I'd say a 8/10 on the low end
Our shot is pretty good, we miss some shots, but it is aiiightihitititttt in the end. Probaly a 8/10 aswell
Unfortunately KlutchKilleR Jr does not have a mic, but Pa pa klutch does
Send us a message in game or xfire Klutchkiller at xfire: klu7chkiller
Ign- KlutchKilleR
Ign- KlutchKi1leR


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