[A]rroyo LFT

Hi im [A]rroyo

Juan Arroyo

I play everyday and almost all day on sunday and saturday. Im usually ALWAYS available at night.

Im a Hybrid, I can AK, M4 and AWP pretty decently. Im very communicative.

I am just an average player BUT im willing to lear and improve. I have both TS and Vent.
If any of you use Xfire and need me to download it i can do that too.

Experience: I am currently competing in a decent size Latino tournament called Latin Elite Gamers. Its a pretty legit tourny that is community based and ran by the Latino community.
you can check it out here: www.latineg.com
In my 5 team clan im usually the AWPer but when needed I DO rifle.
Im very respectful and do listen to what i am told to do.
PM me at my personal email: Jdarroyo95@gmail.com or Marksman11095@gmail.com

Your time is greatly appreciated and thanks for taking me into consideration.
