[Community Vote]

[FG]JON for Moderator

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- for no

He really cares about the crossfire community.

[02:22] FG | Jon: i've thrown 10,000 into the game
[02:22] FG | Jon: not including ANY zp
[02:23] FG | Jon: guess how much money i've gotten back from the game
[02:24] FG | Jon: $0.00
[02:24] FG | Jon: not even a single penny
[02:24] FG | Jon: so it's not about me
[02:24] FG | Jon: it's always been about everyone else
[02:24] FG | Jon: i feel sorry for the competitive community
[02:24] FG | Jon: no leagues
[02:24] FG | Jon: no good drafts
[02:24] FG | Jon: just these mini leagues
[02:25] FG | Jon: all that people have to look forward to
[02:25] FG | Jon: I've been living all my life just for something to look forward to
[02:25] FG | Jon: and i know how it feels when people have spent so much time on this game and now it's dead
[02:25] FG | Jon: I'm CPR.


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