Upcoming FrostGaming drafts.


Lets get started off on the basics..

- Suggestions -

●Allowed guns
- ESG ruleset?

-Need some suggestions on the maps we should allow and use.

-Yes, you would have thought this would be our job to come up with.. indeed it is but we can put in some suggestions as for some unthoughof rules.. i.e; no rejoining, etc.

-Prize for winner(s) of draft, open for suggestions.

-What time of the day is most convenient for you players? example: Friday, 7PM?

●Suggested platform of voice communication
-Mumble, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak 3, etc.

-We will be looking for VERY mature and unbiased staff members, we will be offering trial for some staff and if ANY staff breaks any rules it is to be reported directly to me.

●Website development
-What would you guys like to see on our site regarding the drafts?
Example: Live team bracket, draft status, draft countdown, option to join the voice server instantly with a click.. open for any suggestions!

-Open for suggestions, we might be using Moss/Growler (5fps min.) and have 'capable' staff review the results and decide the winner.. remember, cheating will NOT be tolerated whatsoever.

● Staff applications
If you feel you are eligible to meet the requirement to be a staff member for this draft, feel free to PM me the following:

-Skills (if any)
-CrossFire experience (i.e, i've played for 2 years and know my stuff.)
-Why you feel you are eligible and fit the requirements to run a draft

We hope to create the best gaming experience possible for this community and get everyone on their feet.



  • I would LOVE if you started this draft. Ventrilo please. It's the easiest platform for drafts for many obvious reasons...

    Prizes, couldn't you talk with Saidin about possibly getting some 10k ZP codes for winners?

    Growler/Fraps/Bandi/Hypercam 5 fps. Hey, who cares, you're playing for money pretty much, recording is not a yes/no option. Though there should be some limits on disputes, and you must have a replay? (yes/no on that)

    Friday, Saturday, Sunday starting off, and if you can get some reliable active staff, maybe include a wednesday minidraft w/o prizes aswell? 8 PM EST on weekends, 9 for a weekday?

    Just my thought on a few things, hope you go through with this :3
  • suggestions:
    - all SD

    - will be hard because of time lapse NA-Europe but in terms of days of the week, Friday nights and Saturdays are the best imo

    voice platform:
    - ventrilo and teamspeak3 seem the easier to use

    - i've never used growler but i've heard its good. i use moss and it is easily "hackable" imo

    staff applications:
    -age +18
    - respect from other players (like being a known guy in the community for good reasons)
    - crossfire experience: i think it doesn't need to be that good of a player if he has the maturity to run the drafts, his skills won't matter. obvsly he needs to know at least the basics (weapons, maps, etc)
  • I would LOVE if you started this draft. Ventrilo please. It's the easiest platform for drafts for many obvious reasons...

    Prizes, couldn't you talk with Saidin about possibly getting some 10k ZP codes for winners?

    Growler/Fraps/Bandi/Hypercam 5 fps. Hey, who cares, you're playing for money pretty much, recording is not a yes/no option. Though there should be some limits on disputes, and you must have a replay? (yes/no on that)

    Friday, Saturday, Sunday starting off, and if you can get some reliable active staff, maybe include a wednesday minidraft w/o prizes aswell? 8 PM EST on weekends, 9 for a weekday?

    Just my thought on a few things, hope you go through with this :3

    Wasn't it proven that you were cheating or something?
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Wasn't it proven that you were cheating or something?

    Please, keep on topic...
  • FG_Jon wrote: »
    Please, keep on topic...

    Sorry but asking that in the CF Competitive Forum is like asking a cat not to be a cat :P

    And with that, I depart this thread. Good luck with the draft if you do it.

    *edit* lol back at 4000 posts again after some were deleted xD
  • First to run any draft successfully you would need to be well staffed, Yes I know that what I just said was obvious but I mean good staff. They must not have a generally annoying voice or a bad reputation they must also be likable.
    They must have some kind of intelligence in terms of processing different situations and not treating every problem that arises as a "cut n dry" case.

    The second thing would have to be your voice communication program and how you have it set up. First try not to sponsor any clans a vent or any of that keep your room set up clean and simple and geared fully towards the draft. The voice communication program it self should be easy to use and easy to setup. The channels should be easily located and the rules should be stated on entry eg.Ventrillo's guest motd. The channel names should not be obscure and they should be clearly labeled .

    Next I'll touch on weapon map and general ruleset.

    I'm not sure if you have enough staff or time to make this possibly but with the amount of diffrent little cups and leagues that may or may not be comming perhaps it would be a smart idea to have diffrente weapon map and rulesets geared towards diffrent league rule sets. e.g you could have a wogl ruleset draft or an esg ruleset draft or a wcg ruleset draft. And you could have a channel that announces that and it would be clearly stated which ruleset is being used for that draft.

    Website development time/dates and skills

    For skills I think it would be hard to measure if a player if in a specific skillset or not because there is no league with a good anti cheat and a good prize, because of this there is no real way players can measure how good they are unless you base this of your own draft then you should keep away from skillset type drafts

    As for website development it would depend on how you would want to set it up are you going for a league type format or just a PHP forum with your rulset on it?
  • 1) Yes.
    2) All SnD maps.
    3) Normal rules for draft. I guess if you RQ&RJ you'll have to wait till the next pug/draft. 3 strikes and you get banned for a week.
    4) ZP.
    5) Ventrilo.
    6) Don't know many people, but; Strapzy & Will - Mature and have run past Pugs and Drafts.
    7) Would look professional and sounds great!
    8) Efficient and one that doesn't deduct so much FPS(I get around 19 FPS in a 5v5, alone, so, Growler).
  • 1) Yes, I think the ESG Gun ruleset would work out perfectly.
    2) Basically the ESG Official Maps but with additional maps such as, Factory, & some others.
    3) Simple draft rules would be nice.
    4) For the prizes, maybe you could get a sponsor with Saidin?
    5) As for the time and dates, maybe it would be: Friday (8:00PM EST) Saturday (8:00PM EST) Sunday (7:00PM EST)
    6) I would prefer Ventrilo or Mumble seeing how the majority of players have those two communication programs over TS 3.
  • GodsGunman wrote: »
    Wasn't it proven that you were cheating or something?

    God, I hate when randoms just get in here and talk about me admitting to cheating early last year... Does it make a difference? Hell, I was told in CCC that when I was recording, since I got disputed, I was walling on growler. 2good4f2ppros.
  • Friday - Normal Draft with players and captains.
    Saturday - A draft for teams only.

    Mini Drafts don't work,
    Should keep pugs 1-2 a week max instead of 3-4 a week.

    ESG Rules
    2 picks then 2 random players
    1 week ban if leaving during a game
  • I just remembered, no team stacking. For eg. No going on ALTS to play with your mates that's in your team. It just causes problems.
  • aWptitties wrote: »
    I just remembered, no team stacking. For eg. No going on ALTS to play with your mates that's in your team. It just causes problems.

    ^ Should make a SFC rank req... and you have to register an account with the vent before you can play. Just so people can't use diff vent names. Like, it HAS to be the same as their IGN, and can be changed if their ign changes ^^
  • ^ Should make a SFC rank req... and you have to register an account with the vent before you can play. Just so people can't use diff vent names. Like, it HAS to be the same as their IGN, and can be changed if their ign changes ^^

    That's actually pretty true, if they added this, it would be really great.
  • The weapon set should be somewhere in between WCG and wogl S1, sometimes you just want to have fun but, no one likes getting randomly spammed with an xm8 behind a box or something, it may be funny at first, but can get annoying.
  • ^ Should make a SFC rank req... and you have to register an account with the vent before you can play. Just so people can't use diff vent names. Like, it HAS to be the same as their IGN, and can be changed if their ign changes ^^

    This is also nice, also a mumble would be better at tracking the names because if you make them come on the mumble with their IGN and register them, it's done. Nail in the coffin, you're now known on that mumble as " X " until someone with powers alters it.
  • Great idea, since you guys can offer actual prizes. Much better then Frostbite as well I bet.
  • JOONLEEEEE wrote: »
    Great idea, since you guys can offer actual prizes. Much better then Frostbite as well I bet.

    That's true, FB Gaming's income relied on the amount of traffic on their website. I think.
  • ● Weapon Rules : ESG

    ●Maps: Black Widow , Mexico , Ceyhan , Port , Sub Base , Ankara , Feel free to add more if needed

    ●Rules: 2 clan members to a team. If you leave a team you may not play in the draft. If young like (12) you cannot be a captain. That's all i have for now..

    ●Prizes: ZP once an awhile , Maybe a mouse Pad?

    ●Times/dates : Friday 7pm , Saturday 7pm , Sunday 7pm

    ●Suggested platform of voice communication: Mumble..if not ventrilo because its easier to use for drafts.

    ●Website development: Countdown , maybe live audio coverage , Maybe a chat room to discuss stuff.

    ●Anti-cheat: i like the idea for moss but can we use another recording program like: bandicam , xfire ect?
  • Pretty much most of the suggestions are dead on, just hopefully you can find (and use) proper people that help out, mature and people that know what they are doing, and such.

    gL. <3
  • Drafts are relatively easy to run. Considering you seem like you really want to do something to get this community off their arses and back in the game and you appear to be a cool fellow here's some hints and tips.

    You need:
    - Dedicated and experienced staff (mature, must be able to take jokes from all the comedians this game offers. Also has to be able to look at Moss files after dispute and recognize any for of cheating like no spread and such)
    - Easy anti-cheat (for example Moss, works great)
    - An easy VOIP (Ventrilo or TS3, Mumble doesn't appear to be that effective)

    As I've been an admin in a few European drafts myself I find it to be rather easy. If you have a good bunch of laid back people to run it, it's sure to be fun.

    I find rules must be strict and also strictly enforced, this being:

    * Only common weapons that everybody has agreed on to being balanced:
    - AK47 (no variants except for WCG);
    - M4A1 (no variants except for WCG);
    - SG552 (no variants except for WCG);
    - Steyr AUG (no variants except for WCG);
    - AWM (no variants, I find the extra five bullets add way too much of an easy feeling to the AWM);

    - Desert Eagle (no variants except for WCG);
    - Anaconda (no variants);

    - All standard nades (HE, flashbang, smokegrenade);
    - Setup/Defuse kit

    * Strict rules about teamstacking or no teamstacking
    I personally find a rule against teamstacking is useless.
    Opinions may differ, but you only get one pick a turn anyways, it's not like you can choose your whole team before somebody else can.

    * Keep the players calm, give warnings and kick(ban) them from the server when they seem to be incredibly obnoxious
    I've had enough times people who didn't get along just randomly started insulting eachother which inevitably led to some kind of huge fight in which everybody decides to participate.

    * Cheating results in an immediate ban
    Pretty much self explanatory. You don't need a lot to see if somebody has cheated on Moss. Putting the capture frequency on Moss to "2" will display exactly enough screenshots to see if somebody is using about any kind of cheat. After you can check if the .ZIP file Moss has made is corrupt by using Moss itself. If somebody has decided to delete some of the screenshots, for example, Moss will instantly tell you.

    I think the map pool should be about every S&D map. I find Ceyhan and Factory great maps with so much potential it shouldn't go to waste.

    You have to have dedicated admins to run the draft. There has to be no bias whatsoever so I suggest you get somebody who isn't really known in the community and very likable, or just a very objective person who is liked by many.

    You simply start off by counting the members and deciding what kind of draft you want it to be. Mostly the single-elimination kind is chosen. I've rarely played drafts with a loser bracket, which was mostly due to a lack of admins, but I think it would be fun and keep the losers busy as well, instead of having to leave straight after the first round.

    You choose captains (people who volunteer to be a captain) and you divide them in separate rooms. You go by every single one of them to let them pick until they have five. At this point you go by every team to make sure they understand the rules and such. I've encountered a lot of people using this method who didn't even know they had to run any anti-cheat or thought they could use variants of guns when they weren't. On this point also make sure your admins are 100% up-to-date with the rules and all give the same answer to a question.

    After the match is done, the captain (JUST the captain) reports the result in the result room and the losing team is asked if they want any player's Moss files. If so they are uploaded to whatever file hosting site and checked. If the Moss files are fine the winning team passes on to the next round. If the Moss is either corrupted or contains screenshots of a person cheating the person is banned and the team is disqualified.

    I also recommend setting a time limit to providing the Moss files. A lot of the times people just waste valuable time you could be helping others by being childish and slow.

    Also a good thing would be having the finals casted by a good caster, not a beginner, and either be put on YouTube or streamed live on twitch.tv or some kind of other website. This increases popularity and is also a motivation to get into the finals.

    Considering it's a draft, I wouldn't make the prizes too high. Well, maybe considering you're an organisation I would either make the prize like a $10 prize to each member of the winning team or something along those lines. Second prize would be half of that or something like that (keep in mind that I have no clue how much money you want to spend on this)

    Drafts also don't really require a website, although it would be new and fancy, I reckon it will be too much for the average CrossFire draft. Using a standard voice communication like TS3 and Ventrilo will be just about as easy.

    To make a really long story short, admins that are laid back and nice guys who have a lot of experience with the game and its players are KEY to having a pleasant stay for your players. You will get a lot of players because you're a known organisation in CrossFire so I recommend getting a few admins that can work together.

    Hope you take my tips and hints into account considering I've been an admin a few drafts myself (eupugcommunity drafts and Vital Gaming drafts and cups) and and they all went really smoothly.

  • FG_Jon wrote: »
    Thanks for your opinions, sbvermS.

    It is my pleasure.
  • All things aside, most important is to have some admins who can run it and be mature in every way, also can't have people leaving pugs and then have a teammate hop on and ring for them instantly while other players were waiting to play in the first place. There has to be bans and threats so people have more respect as well.
  • hey hey who gave you that idea to make one xD.
  • cyk00 wrote: »
    hey hey who gave you that idea to make one xD.

    Now, contribute us some ideas and suggestions!
  • I have a question, if these pug is successful, would there be any hope for FG releasing a league for cf ?
  • womaniz3r wrote: »
    I have a question, if these pug is successful, would there be any hope for FG releasing a league for cf ?

    No, we are sponsoring ESG and this draft is to get everyone on their feet and ready for ESG and for some clean and professional fun.
  • FG_Jon wrote: »
    No, we are sponsoring ESG and this draft is to get everyone on their feet and ready for ESG and for some clean and professional fun.

    Thought that much, well i'm ampt for this draft. Hopefully it puts Lifes pug and Krazys to shame.
  • ●Allowed guns

    - M4A1



    - No rejoining
    (will be ban on spot)

    -Gift cards
    -FrostGaming ware (stickers , shorts, etc..)
    -Small items
    -Anything free for the player

    - Friday, 8pm est.
    -Sunday, 7pm est

    ●Suggested platform of voice communication

    -Must be 18 and played this game

    ●Website development
    -What would you guys like to see on our site regarding the drafts?
    Live team bracket, draft status, draft countdown, option to join the voice server instantly with a click.. All of the above

    - Moss/Growler (10fps min.) and have 'capable' staff review the results and decide the winner..
  • All things aside, most important is to have some admins who can run it and be mature in every way, also can't have people leaving pugs and then have a teammate hop on and ring for them instantly while other players were waiting to play in the first place. There has to be bans and threats so people have more respect as well.

    I don't think you read what I had to say, because I've stated this multiple times in my post.

    Also, forgot to mention but it seemed kind of obvious...
    Losers who want to get a chance to play again get moved to a ringer room and whenever somebody in a team has to go the captain can pick one of the ringers by contacting an admin in the result/support room. Letting a player who hasn't participated in the draft at all ring seems kind of stupid considering they didn't even take part in the whole event.

    Also, making password protected rooms on your VOIP and giving the captain the password so he can move in and out freely or tell his teammates the password when they have disconnected is a must, in my opinion. The most problems in the previous drafts I've seen was people not being able to move into their rooms and then blaming it on the staff.