H3ad possibly looking for a clan?...

Well most of the main people that were keeping me in [A]narchy™ just left for Pubstarz and well I got promoted to leader oddly enough. And seeing as i just logged in i don't really know what's going on. But in short assuming this is intended to be permanent i don't want to be a leader and i know who i will give leader to if i do leave (so don't ask), and if i do leave i would be looking for a new clan lol.

Age: 19
Location: West Coast
KDR: 1.25~
Guns: AWM, Scar Lite, Deagle.
I have vent and a mic. Would like a somewhat small clan, not some 100 member clan looking for just a high rank. Would like to scrim occassionally. Not a must though.

Any offers?

EDIT: forgot my profile link lol...
