LPK Cup #1 Rules (Initial Draft)

Final rules will be posted at the end of team registration.

Group play is in the division format: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc.
There will be 3 matches during group play.
Bracket play will be a 8 team playoff.
Matches are played in a single map format, with 7 rounds per half. Tiebreaker will consist of a set of two 5 round halves until a winner is determined.
Groups with an odd number of teams will be given a bye match. This bye match will not be factored into standings.
Semifinals and Finals of bracket round will be a best of 3 format.

Rosters will consist of a minimum of five players and a maximum of ten players.
A team playing with an ineligible player will forfeit all rounds of the current match and all future rounds of group play. Using an ineligible player in playoffs will result in disqualification.
Teams must register the in game handle and z8 ID number of all players
Substitutions may be made anytime during the match as long as they are an eligible player.
Rosters are locked at the end of team registration period.

All scheduling will be done by me. I will be asking teams for times & servers that they prefer, however since it is impossible to appease everyone have backups rostered in case members of the starting 5 cannot make the scheduled time.

Team Leaders must message links to the screenshots of their match to the group admin at the reporting time.
Team must retain replays of each half of a match in case a dispute arises.
The reporting structure MUST be followed as directed in your teams match communication thread.
Teams must wait 30 minutes following the scheduled default time before submitting a forfeit win report. Valid proof is required (screenshots, confirmable chat logs, etc).

In Game Rules:
Max 10 Persons
07 Rounds Halves
Search & Destroy
1st person View

The home team decides which side they will play first. Home team is determined by whichever team is listed first in the scheduling thread.
Two halves will be played with both teams switching at halftime.
Winner is determined by overall rounds won.
If in the case a map is drawn a tie, sets of 5 round halves will be played until a winner is declared.
There is no limit on the number of snipers a team may carry.
Players who join mid round must nade themselves.

Character List:

All variants of the following items are allowed. Exception: Guns that do full wall damage (ie: m4a1 spring, m4a1 patriot, etc.).
Item List:
Steyr AUG A1
Desert Eagle
C4 Kit
Expanded Grenades Slot
All other Character items are not allowed

*Only standard grenades are allowed.

Players may change their weapon through their backpacks when available and if need be; leaving the game to switch and returning for the next round.
Boosting is allowed.
The use of double-jumping is allowed.
The use of bunnyhopping is allowed.
The use of exploiting glitches unintended for the play of game are prohibited. Usage of a glitch will result in a forfeit of the match. Use your brain.
Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Period.

Players breaking the item rules will forfeit each round an infraction occurs in. Please pay attention to your character load out.
Glitching will result in forfeit of the match. Do not glitch.
Using an ineligible player results in forfeit of match. Do not ring.

Anti Cheat:
MOSS is required to be ran before launching your game prior to the match.
Screen capture must be started before the game goes live.
Screen capture will consist of using a capture program (fraps/growler/bandicam/camstudio/etc.) at 5 fps minimum.
Quality must be of acceptable level so that details can be made out.
The whole screen must be captured, not just the area around the crosshair.
Files will be checked via teamviewer.

Teams must file disputes within 15 minutes following the reporting time.
