Clan [Latin-Hell] Reruiting (Reclutando)

New clan recruiting latin people! (pls dont erase im going tu put the rules in spanish)

* No usar programas ilegales (No-Hack)
* Ser Activo (1-2hrs al dia minimo) (Active Players)
* Kills/Deaths Ratio + 1.1
* Usar Mumble (Use Mumble)
* Estar activo en redes sociales del clan (Proximamente)
(Active in social networks)(Soon)
* Ser respetuoso con el clan y con los demas
(Be respectful with the clan and other players)
* Minimo 13puntos semanales
(13 points per week)
* Ser un desmadre y pasartela de huevos!
(Be cool and have a good time)

Join Now (Unete ahora)
