I'm Getting Really Tired of Being Kicked

So I'm going 13-1 or something like that on GR in Lab. The score is 12-12 so it's the last round. Last 10 seconds the bomb is planted, and I see I'm being kicked. Mad, but not surprised. I go to the bomb site (B) and immediately see the last ghost crouching in the light on the top platform. I shoot him/her (with many hackusations), run down to the bomb, and use speed defuse to win the game for us. However, at this point, I get the kicked message. @_@ No Freakin Way.

So i was kicked in the last 2 or 3 seconds. That would make it my eight time being kicked today. And all because so many noobs think that if they stand still on BL, they're unkillable. Usually, I wouldn't care. I could just go find another game. So I did. And guess what? There were people in the room who had just played with me, and they immediately kicked me. -_-

What are we gonna do about all these noob whiners and votekickers? Perhaps the votekick system needs to be changed, however I think it is fine the way it is if people just stopped using it wrong. Something needs to be done.
