
Name: Robert Le
Previous IGN: Creature_
Previous Team: raZe Gaming unNerved
Main Weapon: M4A1
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 16
Ping: 57

I'm looking for an established team that is going to compete in future upcoming leagues. I'm looking for a team that wants to build, learn, and develop skills as a team. I want a team that takes a loss and learns their mistakes from it. I want a team that would rather be blown out by a good one rather than stomping on a not very talented team. If offered to be a part of your team I will be a dedicated member and with some experience from past teams I've been a part of, I can show you a couple things. I'm open to any offers at the moment but will not join immediately. I want to see if your team has the potential and the few things I'm looking for.

I don't have XFIRE so please just comment below, send me a private message, or feel free to contact me in game.
