The Common Hacking Problem

*for you legit GR players out there, Congratz, you dont have to read this...

The hacking problem is getting worse and worse when playing GM. I know there are plenty of legit GR players that accused by noob ghosts. But if you play on BL alot, you know what I mean.

So bottom line is, every day i see more and more hackers and less and less legit players. Its gone from an occasional chammer here and there to Multiple hackers in every gm game. Is there going to be a patch for this?

Pardon my complaining


  • ((STYX)) wrote: »
    :|... You breath like darth vader my friend.

    Yes they do, Also even with breath down you do.. Noob ghosts say breath down completely makes yu not able to hear them.
  • its so annoying there crouch walking and i kill them they call me h4cker
    they fail bh and i get called h4cker it gets annoying
    espically if you have good head set and you can hear the breath perfectly and i can pin point i and get called h4cker and Noob Gr's cant do that i so i get kicked :(
  • XErickXx wrote: »
    Yes they do, Also even with breath down you do.. Noob ghosts say breath down completely makes yu not able to hear them.

    Cool story, bro.
  • When i held my breath as a ghost i slowly lost all my Hp.... though i did not have to breath becuase i was a " Ghost " guse i was wrong O_o
  • I've had sound for 1 day and i feel like im gonna get banned. >.> A pair of cheap iPod earphones and i can already hear ghosts breath down my neck ZzZZ...
  • Less QQ more Pew Pew my friends, but yes the GM's really need to do something about the increasing hacking issues on Crossfire, I see many wallers these days which seem more common than chammers or full bright users though, as I can tell the difference between a legit GR player or what not or someone that hacks, though there are others who are quite good at hiding it.
  • I believe he's talking about the individuals that run up to a ghost and kill them defying all use of eyes/ears/instinct, Yeah that sh1t's gotta go.
  • Ghost Mode has gotten so easy to the point that I get vote kicked in almost everyroom. Is it so hard to believe that you can headshot someone with a m60 =/
  • No. There is at least one person walling in EVERY SINGLE GM GAME. Its not me whining because I suck. I know a good player from someone who head shots ghosts with one bullet from across the map when the ghost hasn't moved for 10 seconds or stares just happens to show up at a corner at the same time you do already firing every single round. OR walks into a room already looking at the exact spot you are in and fires while i have breathe down.

    Its easy to check for even if they are trying to hide it. Just crouch jump and watch them shoot you from across the map.

    Whatever logic you based the idea IP bans don't work off of was obviously flawed. Just because its easy to change your IP in some cases doesn't mean you need to make it even easier.

    If you don't start being more aggressive the only unique game mode you have will always be ruined. Half of GR won't kick the hacker because they are asking where he got his hacks. The others probably don't speak English or just think the hack is funny.

    I would be happy if all you IP banned was all of Brazil.

    I'm not going to do your job for you by sending in detailed reports. I'm not going to wait through 10+ rounds of getting wallhacked just to get a replay that may or may not even get someone banned who can make a new account in about 5 minutes. I would have to do this in at LEAST 75% of the games I go into as a ghost.
  • ((STYX)) wrote: »
    :|... You breath like darth vader my friend.
    rofl! yea u do. haha... darth vador :D
  • lovesweni wrote: »
    no. There is at least one person walling in every single gm game. Its not me whining because i suck. I know a good player from someone who head shots ghosts with one bullet from across the map when the ghost hasn't moved for 10 seconds or stares just happens to show up at a corner at the same time you do already firing every single round. Or walks into a room already looking at the exact spot you are in and fires while i have breathe down.

    Its easy to check for even if they are trying to hide it. Just crouch jump and watch them shoot you from across the map.

    Whatever logic you based the idea ip bans don't work off of was obviously flawed. Just because its easy to change your ip in some cases doesn't mean you need to make it even easier.

    If you don't start being more aggressive the only unique game mode you have will always be ruined. Half of gr won't kick the hacker because they are asking where he got his hacks. The others probably don't speak english or just think the hack is funny.

    I would be happy if all you ip banned was all of brazil.

    I'm not going to do your job for you by sending in detailed reports. I'm not going to wait through 10+ rounds of getting wallhacked just to get a replay that may or may not even get someone banned who can make a new account in about 5 minutes. I would have to do this in at least 75% of the games i go into as a ghost.
    qtf .
  • gm is easy :] i dont even use sound i listen to music and own lul
  • 99.9999687875% of hackusations are from noobs that fail on BL. However, there are people who I run into that actually hack. I love how people 1 shot hs me when I'm bunny hopping and tell me to stop jumping.