im looking for creative designers >>pg]krzy
okay so right now almost everybody knows im hosting the most popular ventrilo for crossfire.KrzY's CF Pugg Ventrilo , we have had up to 75 people on at almost all times daily to pugg.We hold puggs every day and every night of every week and we also hold pugg drafts on fridays and saturdays at 7 pm e.s.t. not just one pugg draft weekly but two pugg drafts . We are looking to expand and also im starting up a league for the pugg and it will be legit. Me and my trusty admins are also going over the payout for the winning pugg team . I will be paying with my own money to supply prizes every pugg draft that we host for the winning teams that compete in the pugg draft because i know for some people its not easy to get zp and for others it will just bring more competition and make people more competitive. I am not doing this for sympathy , glammour , or attention i am simply doing all of this to bring the competition back to cf and z8 and for people to have fun in a place that they know they can have fun , in the first week of krzy's pugg ventrilo we have been so active. We also have special people visiting such as mod icely , mod goddish , and mod bruce to make the vent even more of a hack free environment and an all around good time hopefully we will see even more mods or maybe some gm's or cm's in the vent :] . But atm i am looking for a designer that i will pay money to design me an advertisement through a video editing software to advertise for our pugg league so anybody that is good with video designing or graphic designing please come in and talk to me. port=4267 pass=noob port=4267 pass=noob
I'm glad to see that someone is really trying to bring up the competitive side of CF.
And so far it seems that it's working really well. Keep it up.
I'll join some day. As soon as i figure out why i can't use growler in game. Been kinda busy to look into it. -
Yo! crzy!
You want me to make you a site, like the one i showed you?
Its 4.95$/per month for your own domain but its still has ads....
Its 9.90$/per month if you want your own domain and no ads....
it seems a bit pricey to me but the sites I can make there look epic.
or I can make one, using a free domain, with ads on it... but FREE
add me on xfire, killersoul30, ttyl
KRzy'S PUG OWNS!!!! like 70 people on daily, with pugs going on all day! Great community, no BS, Tons of FUN
This is Mikey btw :O
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