an idea

the thread is 110% an idea to competetive play, it fits this section perfectly!

I think we should be able to use zp to upgrade our guns in competetive play! Here is what I mean.

There will be a GP item called 'potential upgrade' that puts a 2line/3line potential stat on a gun. This upgrade works at 70% and if it fails the gun will break! The potentials will have four tiers.


Rare will give 3% max stat on an item, Epic will be 6 and so on at a multiple of three! The stats that should be allowed is

So an example of a 2line potential stat on a gun will be:

Armor +10


RoF 9%
Health + 20

Three line of course will an additional potential stat on an item. Then there should be a ZP item caled the miracle crate which resets the potential on an item. Maybe it should cost 1100 ZP to simply change the potential, 1300 zp for stat reset and 1/5 chance of upgrading the line, 1900 zp for the tier change from unique to Legendary. This will definitely add a whole new level to our competetive play! It will also earn z8 some money too!
I will post ss of items with potential later, tell me what you think forum! Flameshield is on!!!


An example of a potential-ed m4a1 assault rifle.
