°PubStarZ° is recruiting



  • Noobishhh wrote: »

    And also i allready changed the clanmark to the sexi Pink version of PubStarZ ^^
    Its pank :D Nooobishhh come on i miss you.
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    No sweety... I am not going to change my clan mark. I spent like 30 minutes going through all the clan marks to make sure ours was different. And also... We are number 1. Not a group of farmers. And one day when Z8 comes to terms with farming being wrong... and they are gone... We will be there again. I won't stoop to their level and farm to be number 1. We are number 1 because we are active. Because we play games were the opposite team actually fires back.

    NO No No Kylla
    You got number one Cuz ADIGA got it for you
    Don't lie dude you know it yourself.
  • the sexi version lool
    Noobishhh wrote: »

    And also i allready changed the clanmark to the sexi Pink version of PubStarZ ^^

    the real sexi pink version is our ... the Pink Angel <3
  • Starburst5 wrote: »
    I remember when she changed the clan name. Turbo Pickle, Team fuzz was best, and pubstarz next to best, were all cool and funny names.

    I did not change the name to Turbo Pickle. That was Fuzzbutt. I am not Fuzzbutt, I am Kylla. I changed the name from Turbo Pickle because I didn’t want our clan name to be named after a sex toy. Team Fuzz was actually taken when the name was changed to Turbo Pickle so even if I wanted to get back I couldn’t. I changed it to Pubstarz because that’s what the family wanted. And that’s what they got
    PWaNTeD wrote: »
    NO No No Kylla
    You got number one Cuz ADIGA got it for you
    Don't lie dude you know it yourself.

    Team Fuzz did not get number 1 because of Adiga. He was one of 40 players that were busting their humps every day getting 10 points. Was he a part of that yes. But without him the members still would have made it. And we have kept number 1 for almost a year. And I know for a fact for at least the last eight months He has not kept us at number 1. We have. We did it. Not you... not the farmers behind you. We the legit Number 1 clan played our asses off. We kept all these people from taking that rank, and the only way POWned (btw you spelled it wrong unless you’re trying to be prisoners of war) or Prodigy could ever take number 1 is farming. Not playing legitly, not working for their rank... just joining a game and killing the same toons over and over and over again and having 3 to 5 accounts per farmer. Yeah that’s fair. It’s sad you all had to stoop that low to do anything.

    And BTW Because I have heard it from people who talk to Adiga... he hardly even plays his account... it’s his brother who is farming for him... So you can say Adiga wants number 1 all you want, but you know you are just trying to defend yourselves for cheating the system and the players that play legitly.

    Now that the air has been cleared, please take your farming selves out of my recruitment thread. I do not want any of your tainted bumps. I pray for the day when you guys reap what you sow


    Pubstarz is still recruiting. Hope to see you all soon. Have a great day.
  • Despite all of this.. If you or your ''clan worked there asses off for your number 1 spot.. WHy are many of your clan members asking to join?
    Is it that they just want number one?
  • So many... what Like paint... paint has friends... Fireboy got kicked.... and Carlex_08 got kicked for farming. So many yeah sooo many. Keep telling your self that child.
  • Hmph
    No not really... ;)
    People IN CLANWARS
    How patetic ;)
  • Hi all

    This Dandelo "fuzzbutt" good to see you guys still kicking. Well with all the haters you will never get bored. They love to hate the people on top. Remember that.
  • Yeah after they whooped you guys... and you were QQing and said they hacked.

    Wanted just leave. Seriously :D
  • dude kylla ur clan sucks, every member iv played from ur clan has sucked ballz. the only difference between u and powned is that they admit they farm. cause yes iv seen a room full of ur clan farming each other. i even remember a few names like Jgower and monsterinc

    btw id kick MAGNUM if i were u. hes the worst player iv seen from ur clan. i vs him and he went like 15 and 50 in TDM
  • I wasn't there today..
    But my mate gotta screenie..
    I dont mind really
    your clan.
  • dude kylla ur clan sucks, every member iv played from ur clan has sucked ballz. the only difference between u and powned is that they admit they farm. cause yes iv seen a room full of ur clan farming each other. i even remember a few names like Jgower and monsterinc

    btw id kick MAGNUM if i were u. hes the worst player iv seen from ur clan. i vs him and he went like 15 and 50 in TDM

    Go away
    They are respectful.
    And whats the problem in someone suckin?
    Sometimes the guy isnot prepared, haved a bad day etc.
  • TBH
    I don't disrespect anyclan in this game
    Kylla takes stuff to harsh when it comes to HIS clan.
  • having a bad day?? no matter wat ur gonna play at least CLOSE to wat u can each day. it just happens that i belive that the #1 ranked clan (hopefully #2 soon) should have some good players and not all cry babys and noobs cause they always just cry whenever i kick there ass and whine that i hck
  • dude kylla ur clan sucks, every member iv played from ur clan has sucked ballz. the only difference between u and powned is that they admit they farm. cause yes iv seen a room full of ur clan farming each other. i even remember a few names like Jgower and monsterinc

    btw id kick MAGNUM if i were u. hes the worst player iv seen from ur clan. i vs him and he went like 15 and 50 in TDM

    Your calling our practices farming... thats cute... or playing legit matches were people can join its just an abundance of pubstarz farming... right...... Thats like saying clan war/scrimming is farming.

    Also... I really don't care what you would do if you were me. You're not me... This is my Clan, and My family. So take your Sad panda hateraide else where. And if you think we suck so bad.... why are you bumping our recruitment thread... to add to forum trolling.... I think thats what it is... You need to feel like a big man so you insult people from behind a computer screen... So sad I am sorry, I'm not here to stroke your ego. I am here to recruit for my clan. Have a nice day.

    We are still recruiting.
  • having a bad day?? no matter wat ur gonna play at least CLOSE to wat u can each day. it just happens that i belive that the #1 ranked clan (hopefully #2 soon) should have some good players and not all cry babys and noobs cause they always just cry whenever i kick there ass and whine that i hck

    Rank does not mean much.
    Prodigy is first and farm. Some of them may be good at PUB tho.
  • And for the last time Wanted... You know I am a woman. I have told you over and over again. Now get out of my recruitment thread.
  • Lobstermts wrote: »
    Rank does not mean much.
    Prodigy is first and farm. Some of them may be good at PUB tho.
    I aint the worst..
    And Kylla I really didn't mean any
    Between use..
  • BTW, Do what she want, give a time to her.
    Be good to a girl bro :)
  • Then why are you constantly here? All you do is troll... and throw more kindling into the fire to start flame wars. Grow up. And Like I said... Get out of my thread
  • At least i can stay :) Well only like 3 pages of this 248 are about recruitment,
    the other 245 are about offtopic and u whining,

    Dont u have barbies to play with btw :) i like to farm on spop reminds killing barbies :D

    Mabye its time this Tread gets closed ^^ , reqruiting trough a forum is noob anyway,same as putting ( I need a clan topic) people just join the clan they want anyway :-)

    ( Like Rank 1 clan Kuch Kuch xD )
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    Your calling our practices farming... thats cute... or playing legit matches were people can join its just an abundance of pubstarz farming... right...... Thats like saying clan war/scrimming is farming.

    Also... I really don't care what you would do if you were me. You're not me... This is my Clan, and My family. So take your Sad panda hateraide else where. And if you think we suck so bad.... why are you bumping our recruitment thread... to add to forum trolling.... I think thats what it is... You need to feel like a big man so you insult people from behind a computer screen... So sad I am sorry, I'm not here to stroke your ego. I am here to recruit for my clan. Have a nice day.

    We are still recruiting.

    ur practices???? u practice call farming practicing ok
  • I don't want you here, either. You don't know me... you have only insulted me in game when I ran over your hind tail and sent you back farming. So as I said before... GTFO. I am done asking nicely
  • Noobishhh wrote: »
    At least i can stay :) Well only like 3 pages of this 248 are about recruitment,
    the other 245 are about offtopic and u whining,

    Dont u have barbies to play with btw :) i like to farm on spop reminds killing barbies :D

    Mabye its time this Tread gets closed ^^ , reqruiting trough a forum is noob anyway,same as putting ( I need a clan topic) people just join the clan they want anyway :-)

    ( Like Rank 1 clan Kuch Kuch xD )

    I hope for your sake English is not your main language -.-
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    Then why are you constantly here? All you do is troll... and throw more kindling into the fire to start flame wars. Grow up. And Like I said... Get out of my thread
    I have about what 10 posts in here...
    One saying gl
    Then after that you telling me to gtfo.. So why don't grow up?
  • PWaNTeD wrote: »
    I have about what 10 posts in here...
    One saying gl
    Then after that you telling me to gtfo.. So why don't grow up?

    Maybe you should change your name to UnWaNTeD :)
  • ur practices???? u practice call farming practicing ok

    practices... were we have 8 players versus 8 players on SnD maps to try and get better. We are all on vent... and all have a fighting chance... happens on Saturdays at 11 am pst.

    Farming (btw I guess you never got the memo... either that or your trying to be a dbag) is where a person has a locked room and several accounts on the opposite team and sits in the opposites team's spawn and just kills them every time they respawn.

    Pubstarz practice is 8 v 8 people actually moving around playing the game and doing the objectives of the map, calling out strats to beat the other team that omg also has a person behind the account and has the ability to shoot you... AKA practice... AKA scrim team practice.

    Any more QQ vendetta? or do you just need a hug?
  • CandyKilla u r the only who flames here. We wish u just luck (ofc u need it) and then Im getting PMed of any ClanLTs of yours I should gtfo I mean just ROFL.
    Btw Thank me for this free bump, kid.
This discussion has been closed.