°PubStarZ° is recruiting



  • A 2.0 KDR isn't allowed these days? How do you know he farms? He can just kill more than die. Let's stop this talk and get back on topic, which is CHEESE.
  • What kind of cheese? I am not in love with the square cheese. Actually i can't even eat it. It makes me gross... unless its grilled cheese. String Cheese is awesome!!!!!! Or colby and monteray Jack is the shizznit! Omg Try making a grilled cheese with that... its like gooey awesomeness :D
  • PWaNTeD wrote: »
    Me? Me?
    Or ADIGA/ADIGA-/Just
    You know where I'm going?

    Good luck again...

    Free bump for Pubstarz!
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    What kind of cheese? I am not in love with the square cheese. Actually i can't even eat it. It makes me gross... unless its grilled cheese. String Cheese is awesome!!!!!! Or colby and monteray Jack is the shizznit! Omg Try making a grilled cheese with that... its like gooey awesomeness :D

    OMG you like string cheese too? We have so much in common lol.
  • String cheese is the awesome. Its like the best snack ever. If i could live off of string cheese I just might do it!
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    String cheese is the awesome. Its like the best snack ever. If i could live off of string cheese I just might do it!

    I know right? So good. Except my dog eats it out of my hand every time lol. He loves it.
  • Paint21 wrote: »

    Free bump for Pubstarz!

    Thx paint and PWanted.

    Were still looking for new dedicated members as usual.
  • MonsterInx wrote: »
    Thx paint and PWanted.

    Were still looking for new dedicated members as usual.

    I would join but it would be INSTADENY
  • thats like my cat and my mash potatoes. Apparently I make some killer mash potatoes. And I had friends over and we grilled steak and i made mash potatoes. I went to get my guest drinks, while they were outside. I placed my plate on the table... and i turned around... there was my cat Max.... head first in my potatoes... he left the steak alone... apparently the potatoes smelled better >.<. :D

    Yeah sorry about the tangent... But I do put gouda cheese in my potatoes... it gives it a very nice flavor.

    Anywho... We are still recruiting.
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    thats like my cat and my mash potatoes. Apparently I make some killer mash potatoes. And I had friends over and we grilled steak and i made mash potatoes. I went to get my guest drinks, while they were outside. I placed my plate on the table... and i turned around... there was my cat Max.... head first in my potatoes... he left the steak alone... apparently the potatoes smelled better >.<. :D

    Yeah sorry about the tangent... But I do put gouda cheese in my potatoes... it gives it a very nice flavor.

    Anywho... We are still recruiting.

    Lol, animals love weird things.
  • I think someone's hyper. And yes prodigy farms just so they can be #1. No skill involved. NO having fun, they go 8v8 with 8 afkers and shoot for hours a day. Really shows how bored they must be. I can understand doing 1v1 and knifing the guy while you watch tv. But the way they farm is uber boring and there's no excuse for it. They make more alts, farm for more points. Soon prodigy will be the same 4 people with 25 alts all farming for max points. Whatever floats your boat i guess.
  • Thank you for your opinion. But why bump our post. Please peddle your flame wars else where thank you
  • By saying don't join you're making hundreds of stubborn teenagers apply just because you said not to. Well thanx for the bump anyways :D
  • Bennyboyz wrote: »
    Dont join Pubstarz.

    I concur there is an issue right now that i dont think new members would appreciate becoming apart of.
  • And just what would this issue be? i've been here not even 2 weeks and I love this clan. So what is it that new players might not like about us?
  • An issue my Dear Kylla wont want on the forum about a certain member.

    Until it is resolved, or i see it needed.
  • Ohh ok I am 99% sure I know who you're talking about. And that has nothing to do with new members. So it wouldn't concern them, and they would probably never even know about what's going on.
  • You really think i would allow an innocent to unwittingly become apart of that mess, you are horribly mistaken.
  • You are hopeless kid. That has nothing to do with new players and doesn't concern anyone excpt for that player and Kylla. Not me, not you, no one but them.

    We are still recruiting and you should mind your own business.
  • Mind my own business? I have been in PubStarZ since it was TEAM FUZZ, it is very much my business you Pup respect your elders in the clan.


    TheGreed, a clan LT has currently been accused of hacking.

    His KDR is 1.4 or there abouts, usually he fails in games he doesnt get more than a 2.0 rarely you can take a look at his account.

    Recently he has been playing with godlike abilities in which he spots people instantly they come around corners.

    He also sneaks behind people and tries to hide this fact, even when a high level player such as paradox or trio is in the room and they know how to play this game, he cercumvents there skills and hides and waits for them even though, they make no sound nor be stupid about there movements, and even then, one moment they pass the corner he is onto them.

    He recently got a 33-3 score in a Downtown game and others like it, where he was blatantly doing such things which hackers are banned for.

    There are several replays to back up these accusations yet the other LTs and even the leader do not want to believe them because TheGreed has helped the clan in the past.

    There are things that TheGreed has said in game such as telling a fellow clan member where 2 ghosts are, telling him from the GR ramp in Lab that "He heard 2 ghosts on the ring on the Top of B" said clan member immediately followed these instructions and proceeded to do 2 perfect "Cham shots" and kill both ghosts, suspicious?

    TheGreed has excused this amazing increase in skill on 'Getting a new computer and headset' now im sure as to all the great players in this game, having a headset and a good computer will not increase your skill level from an average joe of 2.0 or less, to a god of 3.0 and over constantly.

    Also he excuses his totally different style of play over the past week, on the luck of getting a Kriss, saying he rushes alot now and its made him a better player.

    So the excuses?
    He has a new computer.
    He has a new headset.
    He bought a kriss.

    So yes i was thinking, a LT of PubStarZ being accused of hacks, which are well founded and proven, do i want new players to join a clan with a hacker in its hierarchy? No, does anyone want to be a member with a hacker in the clan that will not be kicked? No.

    The facts are he was an average player who hated hacks, he got frustrated and used the excuses said, to hide the fact he now uses the very hacks he hated.
  • Hasher wrote: »
    Mind my own business? I have been in PubStarZ since it was TEAM FUZZ, it is very much my business you Pup respect your elders in the clan.


    TheGreed, a clan LT has currently been accused of hacking.

    His KDR is 1.4 or there abouts, usually he fails in games he doesnt get more than a 2.0 rarely you can take a look at his account.

    Recently he has been playing with godlike abilities in which he spots people instantly they come around corners.

    He also sneaks behind people and tries to hide this fact, even when a high level player such as paradox or trio is in the room and they know how to play this game, he cercumvents there skills and hides and waits for them even though, they make no sound nor be stupid about there movements, and even then, one moment they pass the corner he is onto them.

    He recently got a 33-3 score in a Downtown game and others like it, where he was blatantly doing such things which hackers are banned for.

    There are several replays to back up these accusations yet the other LTs and even the leader do not want to believe them because TheGreed has helped the clan in the past.

    There are things that TheGreed has said in game such as telling a fellow clan member where 2 ghosts are, telling him from the GR ramp in Lab that "He heard 2 ghosts on the ring on the Top of B" said clan member immediately followed these instructions and proceeded to do 2 perfect "Cham shots" and kill both ghosts, suspicious?

    TheGreed has excused this amazing increase in skill on 'Getting a new computer and headset' now im sure as to all the great players in this game, having a headset and a good computer will not increase your skill level from an average joe of 2.0 or less, to a god of 3.0 and over constantly.

    Also he excuses his totally different style of play over the past week, on the luck of getting a Kriss, saying he rushes alot now and its made him a better player.

    So the excuses?
    He has a new computer.
    He has a new headset.
    He bought a kriss.

    So yes i was thinking, a LT of PubStarZ being accused of hacks, which are well founded and proven, do i want new players to join a clan with a hacker in its hierarchy? No, does anyone want to be a member with a hacker in the clan that will not be kicked? No.

    The facts are he was an average player who hated hacks, he got frustrated and used the excuses said, to hide the fact he now uses the very hacks he hated.
    Hey bro. Words in mind dont talk about my bud being **** in game. He doesnt play **** im sure hes better then you. FYI if you think someone hacks or whatever, report him, dont sit on the forums and QQ your ass of because no one cares. But as long as I'm here I dont want to here some lifeless person saying crap about my buds.
  • Ok calm down buddy. And honestly you should have PM'd this to me. But yes I know all the accusations going around, and he's played suspicious recently, but nothing has been proven. I did notice he never plays bad. And whenever someone never seems to have a bad day there's only one reason why imo. And we know what that is. Maybe he hacks, maybe he doesn't. Still none of any of our's business. And unless your one of the LT's i dont give a f**k who you are. You apparently don't care too much about privacy seeing as you're blabbing this all over the biggest thread on the forums. So you can't be too respected. Otherwise you would have respected Kylla more and kept that bs a secret.
  • Hasher wrote: »
    Mind my own business? I have been in PubStarZ since it was TEAM FUZZ, it is very much my business you Pup respect your elders in the clan.


    TheGreed, a clan LT has currently been accused of hacking.

    His KDR is 1.4 or there abouts, usually he fails in games he doesnt get more than a 2.0 rarely you can take a look at his account.

    Recently he has been playing with godlike abilities in which he spots people instantly they come around corners.

    He also sneaks behind people and tries to hide this fact, even when a high level player such as paradox or trio is in the room and they know how to play this game, he cercumvents there skills and hides and waits for them even though, they make no sound nor be stupid about there movements, and even then, one moment they pass the corner he is onto them.

    He recently got a 33-3 score in a Downtown game and others like it, where he was blatantly doing such things which hackers are banned for.

    There are several replays to back up these accusations yet the other LTs and even the leader do not want to believe them because TheGreed has helped the clan in the past.

    There are things that TheGreed has said in game such as telling a fellow clan member where 2 ghosts are, telling him from the GR ramp in Lab that "He heard 2 ghosts on the ring on the Top of B" said clan member immediately followed these instructions and proceeded to do 2 perfect "Cham shots" and kill both ghosts, suspicious?

    TheGreed has excused this amazing increase in skill on 'Getting a new computer and headset' now im sure as to all the great players in this game, having a headset and a good computer will not increase your skill level from an average joe of 2.0 or less, to a god of 3.0 and over constantly.

    Also he excuses his totally different style of play over the past week, on the luck of getting a Kriss, saying he rushes alot now and its made him a better player.

    So the excuses?
    He has a new computer.
    He has a new headset.
    He bought a kriss.

    So yes i was thinking, a LT of PubStarZ being accused of hacks, which are well founded and proven, do i want new players to join a clan with a hacker in its hierarchy? No, does anyone want to be a member with a hacker in the clan that will not be kicked? No.

    The facts are he was an average player who hated hacks, he got frustrated and used the excuses said, to hide the fact he now uses the very hacks he hated.

    cool story bro :p
  • Fk em if they wanna keep a hacker in this clan i guess all the QQ was true, im finished with them.
  • We are still recruiting.

    And Fyi. The replays have been reviewed by players inside and outside the clan. And no action needs to be taken. Because he does not hack. So say what you want. And do what you want. This is a recruitment thread... take your QQ else where. Start a I hate Pubbing turbo fuzz pickle butts thread for all I care. I've team viewed him. We've played with him after the new Xtrap patch... still plays the same way... still is a jumping bean.
  • Simple and basic knowledge: Once you're out of a clan, that clan has nothing to do with you and I do remember seeing in the rules something like "if you think one of our members hack and you're not one of us, then just report us and don't bother QQing to us" or something close to that.

    I was in Force_Tuga for more than half an year, I was Lt there for half an year, I knew everyone in that fkin clan, a good couple of them even lived close to me and I used to hangout with one of them, that was my 1st real family in any mmo and now that I left them I haven't bragged if I see one of them hacking or whatnot, I don't even go to their forums, skype rooms, etc. It's past and now I have nothing to do with them, I moved on with this game and joined a new home where I'm starting a whole new family.

    Basically, if you think one of us hacks I don't actually mind you comming to our vent and warn us about it so we can keep an eye on that person, but to come to our recruitment forum and basically flame the clan's name? The clan you said before you wanted to clean it's name? Do you really think this was the right thing to do? Do you think you're some kind of paladin, the savior of the clan and z8 community?

    With due respect I think you don't really care that much for the clan but instead you're ****ed off of Kylla for trusting one of her closest friends in the clan and not kicking him like you posted in our forum "why is him still here?", well maybe because we all need to check those dang replays and see it ourselves..true I've only watched 2 of them..nothing special about them and I might yet give you or not reason for accusing him, still that doesn0t give you the right to come here and rage, be a man and do what everyone does, think someone hacks? Send the replay and sit tight.
  • SirPanty wrote: »
    Simple and basic knowledge: Once you're out of a clan, that clan has nothing to do with you and I do remember seeing in the rules something like "if you think one of our members hack and you're not one of us, then just report us and don't bother QQing to us" or something close to that.

    I was in Force_Tuga for more than half an year, I was Lt there for half an year, I knew everyone in that fkin clan, a good couple of them even lived close to me and I used to hangout with one of them, that was my 1st real family in any mmo and now that I left them I haven't bragged if I see one of them hacking or whatnot, I don't even go to their forums, skype rooms, etc. It's past and now I have nothing to do with them, I moved on with this game and joined a new home where I'm starting a whole new family.

    Basically, if you think one of us hacks I don't actually mind you comming to our vent and warn us about it so we can keep an eye on that person, but to come to our recruitment forum and basically flame the clan's name? The clan you said before you wanted to clean it's name? Do you really think this was the right thing to do? Do you think you're some kind of paladin, the savior of the clan and z8 community?

    With due respect I think you don't really care that much for the clan but instead you're ****ed off of Kylla for trusting one of her closest friends in the clan and not kicking him like you posted in our forum "why is him still here?", well maybe because we all need to check those dang replays and see it ourselves..true I've only watched 2 of them..nothing special about them and I might yet give you or not reason for accusing him, still that doesn0t give you the right to come here and rage, be a man and do what everyone does, think someone hacks? Send the replay and sit tight.

    I couldnt care less anymore i was ASKED by kylla to look them over as she did with other members of her trusted friends, she ASKED us to tell her he chammed, and Kylla got what she didnt wanna hear, that he does.

    3 or more of her trusted friends told her the same thing, she doesnt wanna believe it, and im not gonna keep trying to tell her what she already knows and doesnt want to believe.
This discussion has been closed.