°PubStarZ° is recruiting



  • jSNooooby wrote: »
    Lawl i think they are too good for you
    And well simply state the rules no spop and no sl and impretty sure they would follow

    checked your clan and i do not know any of them at all
    just seems like a bad clan
    xfire:smexyasses and we can play

    Maybe you don't know us because we have been playing thi game for under 2 weeks. We come from a game that takes skill and teamwork.
    Known clans we've wrecked already
    pubstarz powned phillipines Romania [rus]players
    only respectable clan we've played is trio. We got beat 14-4 but they were very nice and highly skilled. Not like the nub cannon spop abusers in which we wrcked.
  • cool_story_bro_trollcat.jpg
    Doesnt really matterr what clans you wrecked. They couldve been total noobs for all anyone knows.
  • PyyMP wrote: »
    Maybe you don't know us because we have been playing thi game for under 2 weeks. We come from a game that takes skill and teamwork.
    Known clans we've wrecked already
    pubstarz powned phillipines Romania [rus]players
    only respectable clan we've played is trio. We got beat 14-4 but they were very nice and highly skilled. Not like the nub cannon spop abusers in which we wrcked.

    Well maybe you are pro in some other games
    but this is a totaly different game here
    and trust me this game takes skill and teamwork too

    and also you probaablly dont get it,there are about 100 players in pubstars,they may just organize them selves in some random scrimms without s5,try play them s5 and probaably would be a different story

    anyways msg me on xfire to schedule a scrimm
  • Ive seen alot of PubstarZ maybe 40/50 and out of them only like 10/15 have used Scar Light AWM. And even if they do use it. Its a programed gun in the game. Anyone can get it, its fair game :P You'd be kind of stubid not to buy one cause noobie or not youll win.(Im sure youll have a story like... I CAN'T OWN JUST AS WELL WITHOUT A NOOB GUN@ AND MY DIK IS VERY SMALL BUT IM GOING OT TELL EVERYONE ONLINE HO DOESNT KNOW ME ITS HUDGE SO I DONT FEEL SO BAD ABOUT MYSELF!!!) ^^ kinda a cheep shot :P
  • Geez these kids really like flaming their asses off..I'll give you an axample of the scrim team we're organizing (yes not every scriming pubstarz you see is trained for an actual scrim so far), you say you lost 14-4 to Trio? I say we used GP chars plus no ZP guns plus no armor against trio before and we tied, oh and I used a 6k/+ worth broken M16 and Aced the 1st half ^^

    So go learn your ABC before coming to talk nonsense kiddo.

    And yes we're ALWAYS recruiting
  • Flame... Really I flamed you? I messaged you on MSN because you flamed me to look cool to your new friends. You do not care about anyone but yourself... So instead of keeping the flame war from starting kid.... you put it on the forums to go oh Im big and bad look what Kylla said about me.

    I did cry when you left the first time... because I thought it was something I did... that a Person I had as LT left. I am a female... And god forbid I have a freaking heart. So say what you want Corey.... Your an immature jerk off... maybe you should take some lessons from Blindeagle or Wanted*Own... both are younger than you... but actually act mature and don't QQ about everything and their mom.

    Lesson of this story is... If you consider someone a friend, Flaming them on a regular basis to look cool to your other friends, means your a crappy friend.
  • Gnomedog wrote: »
    Ive seen alot of PubstarZ maybe 40/50 and out of them only like 10/15 have used Scar Light AWM. And even if they do use it. Its a programed gun in the game. Anyone can get it, its fair game :P You'd be kind of stubid not to buy one cause noobie or not youll win.(Im sure youll have a story like... I CAN'T OWN JUST AS WELL WITHOUT A NOOB GUN@ AND MY DIK IS VERY SMALL BUT IM GOING OT TELL EVERYONE ONLINE HO DOESNT KNOW ME ITS HUDGE SO I DONT FEEL SO BAD ABOUT MYSELF!!!) ^^ kinda a cheep shot :P

    Seek therapy
    The internet has corrupted your brain cells.

    Why buy a scare light when I snipe mainly? Stop giving viagra to your E Penor. I don't think it can get any bigger.
  • ExiLeIce wrote: »
    Seek therapy
    The internet has corrupted your brain cells.

    Why buy a scare light when I snipe mainly? Stop giving viagra to your E Penor. I don't think it can get any bigger.

    See u did have a story to try and mak urself look cool ^^ Idc what u think. Your on this game wayy to much if you talk like that. I means whats Viagra and E Penor? You should seek help. Im worried for you :S
  • oh and If you snipe that means you cant talk about using a Scar Light cause you use AWM. 1 shot kill isnt noobie? I mean really cmon....(Im sure youll have another story saying you only use a 99.999999999999% broken M-700 to make my dik feel rly big and make myself sound rly strong on a video game.) ^^ I love cheep shots =D
  • ExiLeIce wrote: »
    Maybe you don't know us because we have been playing thi game for under 2 weeks. We come from a game that takes skill and teamwork.
    Known clans we've wrecked already
    pubstarz powned phillipines Romania [rus]players
    only respectable clan we've played is trio. We got beat 14-4 but they were very nice and highly skilled. Not like the nub cannon spop abusers in which we wrcked.

    All the clans you listed are rank clans. The top 10 clans mainly play for clan points and fun. Yes, we are a rank clan. But we do have some skilled players and on any given day can at least hang with a strictly scrim clan. Oh and we just tied Trio with 3 of their starters playing. Yes, it's a tie, nothing to brag about. And yes, it was only 3 of their starters, but still, our scrim clan is still quite new, and people will be circulating through it a lot for a while, yet they still managed to tie it up. The point is, we still tied 9-9, and you got rolled. GG

    Oh and btw we're still recruiting.

    Edit: Is that your "wrecked" list? I don't think we have even scrimmed you guys. Quit making stuff up kid.
  • Man. Will someone post and keep me company? :'(
  • Gnomedog wrote: »
    oh and If you snipe that means you cant talk about using a Scar Light cause you use AWM. 1 shot kill isnt noobie? I mean really cmon....(Im sure youll have another story saying you only use a 99.999999999999% broken M-700 to make my dik feel rly big and make myself sound rly strong on a video game.) ^^ I love cheep shots =D

    This is obviously your first fps. The awm is one of the worst snipers I've used in a fps game. The fact you compare it to a scwr light just shows how big of a nobie you are. Rifles can headshot across the map and the sniper is overpowered? Yawn suppose to have a little realism right? What person in real life lives through a 50 cal shot through the torso.... Gg The fact you can get headshots with rifles from across the map makes the sniper average. Go play sudden attack where you can't headshot constantly at far distance with a rifle. Come back and say something like sa is horrible. Well then why is it an Asian e. Sport and the top fps e sport there?

    I appologize for thinking all members of a clan are decently skilled. We got booted from a trio pub today for being wallers : s. My 11/6 score and my mates 9-4 were such wallng scores in the 7th round of a 8v8. Pretty sad that it was our 5th game with them and we were finally having good rounds just to get booted.

    I edited because I still can't believe you think a 1 shot sniper is a nub weapon. My scrim team has been thinking of running 5 rifles in wogl mainly except a few sides on certain maps. That's how disgusting the awm is compared to BETTER fps games
  • ExiLeIce wrote: »
    This is obviously your first fps. The awm is one of the worst snipers I've used in a fps game. The fact you compare it to a scwr light just shows how big of a nobie you are. Rifles can headshot across the map and the sniper is overpowered? Yawn suppose to have a little realism right? What person in real life lives through a 50 cal shot through the torso.... Gg The fact you can get headshots with rifles from across the map makes the sniper average. Go play sudden attack where you can't headshot constantly at far distance with a rifle. Come back and say something like sa is horrible. Well then why is it an Asian e. Sport and the top fps e sport there?

    I appologize for thinking all members of a clan are decently skilled. We got booted from a trio pub today for being wallers : s. My 11/6 score and my mates 9-4 were such wallng scores in the 7th round of a 8v8. Pretty sad that it was our 5th game with them and we were finally having good rounds just to get booted.

    I edited because I still can't believe you think a 1 shot sniper is a nub weapon. My scrim team has been thinking of running 5 rifles in wogl mainly except a few sides on certain maps. That's how disgusting the awm is compared to BETTER fps games

    Ok but this isnt other games. This is crossfire. And in Crossfire AWM is a noob gun. And yes I dont play other FPS games because I have a life, with REAL people (not just blow up dolls) So dont be calling Scar light users noobs if you use a AWM. and Dont change it saying "oh I changed my mind I dont use a AWM anymore" You admit it. And your not that good. I've seen you ^^ So dont try to act all tough. (sry no cheap shot today... Unless I edit later ^_^)
  • Point is: If you two want to flame do it through PM's. Scar Light is overpowered, but crying about it won't change anything. AWM is overpowered if you have perfect accuracy. If you miss a shot the impossibly slow firing rate pretty much ensures you will be dead before you get another shot off. I highly doubt Trio would kick you for any reason. Please stop making up random events, this isn't storytime.

    We are still recruiting.
  • Point is: If you two want to flame do it through PM's. Scar Light is overpowered, but crying about it won't change anything. AWM is overpowered if you have perfect accuracy. If you miss a shot the impossibly slow firing rate pretty much ensures you will be dead before you get another shot off. I highly doubt Trio would kick you for any reason. Please stop making up random events, this isn't storytime.

    We are still recruiting.

    I'll post the screenies when I get to my desktop. I don't post stories only truth. Awm is a sniper it's suppose to kill in one shot. This is exactly why nobody takes this game seriously. 99% of you are ******s.
  • who are you to judge? Youve played for 2 weeks and you think you own the place. And as for screen shots (Im sure you dont blah blah bla) you could photo shop them kicking you easy.^_^ oh and to me your the only noob.
  • Go somewhere else to speak about your clan.
    This is supposed to be recruiting thread.
    Can you get it?


    PubStarZ is recruiting skilled, active players.
    For requirements and application www.pubstarz.tk
  • fasttaker wrote: »
    Go somewhere else to speak about your clan.
    This is supposed to be recruiting thread.
    Can you get it?


    PubStarZ is recruiting skilled, active players.
    For requirements and application www.pubstarz.tk

    I'm trying to help yo bro.
    They're still recruiting.
  • CandyKylla wrote: »
    We are always recruiting. :D

    I did not knew it!
    I just read in the newspapper:
    °PubStarZ° is recruiting!
  • lol hey I was reading the past posts kinda. (I was board outta my mind) And I saw Gnomedog has posted here XD So did u all know my brother or somthing? cause he posted alotttttttttttttttttt here. :P
  • ask her. i'm not making anything up. pretty annoying that i get kicked, with a crap score. they told me i was one shot killing?!?!?!

    annoys the crap out of me i had such a bad score, still get kicked, no exp for me...


    No Offence but I am sure everyone is guilty of kicking people who annoy them. Also How do you know she kicked you. You never know who kicks you because it is hidden.
  • honestly with the shots he was pulling... I had 100 health and 100 armor... and i was getting 1 shot killed without head shots... EVERYtime by that guy. I turned in the replay... So if he gets banned so be it. But it wasnt just me.... my whole team (which had two pubstarz on it) was like that guy is fishy. So the pubs on the other side kicked him. But please blame me... if it makes you feel better.
  • Man. Will someone post and keep me company? :'(
    If you do it on mine, yes :-)
  • ExiLeIce wrote: »
    I'll post the screenies when I get to my desktop. I don't post stories only truth. Awm is a sniper it's suppose to kill in one shot. This is exactly why nobody takes this game seriously. 99% of you are ******s.
    What are you talking about? You just love flaming for some reason apparently. I just said the AWM isn't overpowered dumbass. Learn to read plz. Don't quote me if you didn't read my post.
    Lobstermts wrote: »
    Too much flame :(
    I'll cry ;(

    I've already cried a lot.

    And yea... We are always recruiting!
  • MWAKILLZ1 wrote: »
    If you do it on mine, yes :-)

    Do what to you? I'm down if you are :O
  • Well, I applyed on the site.
    Hopefully it'll get viewed at.
This discussion has been closed.