ESG team picking up

"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend."

iLegend is a new clan and our clan is for both pub & scrimmers but today I want to focus on the esg event.

We have spots opened for the esg team and also have sub spots. The official team is not yet finished and you will notice that changes will be happening to get the best players.
If interested in joining, feel free to apply. We also have a vent server.

You must have/do
* get an invite/or prove to us threw tryouts
* attend practices/scrims.
* listen to strats
* vent
* can call well
* know the spots in maps we play
* listen in practices when we say spot( play b site, a site, cover cat, snipe a long, etc)

Now this is a must -> |
please be a hybrid if your not you probly wont make s5 cus only hybrids our in our s5 because if we need you to snipe you have to snipe if we need you to rifle you have to rifle so only hybrids.
Hybrids means you snipe strongly and you rifle strongly. main riflers and main snipers will be droped down to sub if your cant do both when needed. If we want to win ESG we must be strong players
Lessons ! ! ! if you are only a snipler then we can teach you how to be a strong rifler
if you are only a rifler we can teach you how to be a stron snipler
. So still apply!

Clan page:

Please apply ASAP!

As you can see we our doing ESG. We are picking up a few players must go throught a tryout threw me, Skittles, or IDrop. I am the s5 and subs maneger so i will be the 1 to decide if your good enough to make the team. I will be watching threw spectator if you are not versing me i prefer you not verse me so i can watch u threw spectator/
Our team is pretty new but very good atm we are currently at 8 members 5 starters and 3 subs just to run save in ESG when it ever releases ! ! !
We do have vent a mic is not required but it is a option if you can get 1 of if you have 1. I have a mic so all u have to do is hear what me and skittles have to say. But we do hope you have a mic so u can talk faster.
