SuperRewards Free ZP

Super Rewards Suverys.

I won about 35,000 ZP already!

Steps to Getting Started:

1. Log on your account.
2. Press Deposit.
3. Go to Earn Free Z8 Points
4. Press SuperRewards Survey
5. Look for Categories: Then press the middle one, "Free".
6. Look through offers and finish them, if you finished it, screen shot it, save it, and if they don't give you the ZP, go to Customer Service and tell them:

"I have completed everything and came to the end, this is what I reached, (URL of screenshot)"

Usually you have to do it 2 times. Since it goes through Steps. First step is like a computer, then the next is like a real person.

Steps for completing offers such as Navigating your way to the Final Steps and Follow the offers Path:

1. Put in information.
2. Click submit, offers will appear. It's either Yes, or No. Click all No's except for 1. Press Submit.
3. Then it will give you an offer, press No if you want to complete the offer, press submit.
4. Different things will come, so usually always press No.
5. If a offer comes up asking for your information, scroll all the way down and press Skip or Pass, whatver it gives you.
6. Keep doing it until you see a screen similar to this until you think you finished, and screenshot it.

There are different steps for completing other offers.

*If you need help, ask me please!*

Try to refer to this video as a guide:

*This video is not mine*

(Evidence of my winnings.)
