
IGN: pr1me
Age: 16
Weapon: m4
- Can strat call.
- Very good game sense.
- Still new to the game, shot is not 100% perfect.
- Not the type of player that drops 30 bombs, but will hold a 1-1 kd against practically any team.
- Knows the calls to every map.
- Very loyal.
- Will want to scrim with you guys for a few days before deciding anything.
- I don't tolerate yelling, excuses, or cheating.
Competitive experience / accolades:
Combat arms WOGL S5 with highDEF
Project blackout I-COG s1 with Paroxysme (Third place)
Project blackout Mall Ninja tournament with Paroxysme (Third place)
Project blackout international championship qualifier with Defiance (Fourth place)
Project blackout I-COG draft champion 5x in a row. (drafts 3-7)
Project blackout GM WTF #2 DM tournament with Paroxysme (1st place / winners)
Project Blackout masked by raptr tournament (Finalist)
I have scrimmed / practiced the following FPS games:
Sudden Attack
Karma POD
Combat Arms
Counterstrike Source
Project Blackout
Point blank italy
Point blank phillipines
and many many others

Xfire is in my signature if you're interested.
