Looking for a Skilled and Mature clan

A little background of myself.

Made a clan with some friends of mine, I pretty much do everything. So I get made leader... Well now im pretty much just frustrated with them not helping me.

What I'm looking for is a small clan of mature and skilled players, that doesn't trash talk, whine, cry hack every 5 seconds, farm ect...

I want a competitive clan that likes to scrim a lot and doesn't care about rankings. So Pubstars, Prodigy ect... don't bother :)


Lets see... Some things you might want to know.

KDR: 3.5 (not farmed) Also, this is my only account.

I'm 19

Some games I've player competitivly: (if you care)

Medal of Honor Allied assault: OGL, took the top spot in 4v4 and 7v7 Objective Sniper only for awhile. Also, in a clan before that was number 1 in 7v7 Objective all weapons.

COD: Scrims
COD 2: More scrims
COD 4: Just a lot of scrimming no league

1.6: Just scrims
CSS: CAL, never really did much in it. Clan wasnt very into it.

Warrock way back in the begining: Was in SoC and won the team chicken tourney... If any of you played that game and know what im talking about.

I can continue but I think thats enough of that.

Have: Vent, Teamspeak, Skype (Crashes sometimes), xfire.

I'm pretty active, around 20 or so games a day (not everyday).

I can't think of anything else. (kinda tired) If you want to know more just ask.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I don't play and WON'T play GM.
