Looking for a team

Hello there sir or madam

looking or a team that is
- gewd
- friendly
- scrims often

I probably will not be playing for you for ESG as I probably / maybe already have a team. If that falls through and doesn't work out, there is a good chance I will play you for ESG.

I'm experienced and can both rifle and snipe, and have a decent wit about me in-game. I despise cheaters, asian teams, and teams that camp spawn in scrims. I'd prefer getting stomped by a great team than destroying a bad team, so hopefully your team will get scrims with top-tier teams.

to contact, xfire me @ iamawaitress.

tl;dr - scrim often, scrim well, and there is a chance i might play for you for esg

EDIT: also feel free to post here with your xfire/steam/email/pager/address for carrier pidgeon.

also i'm 15 years old if anyone really cares
