Probably Looking

Looking for a competitive team. Trying to get back into the competitive scene. I recently made my own team, however, that isn't working out as well as I planned. Mostly looking for a team that has strong fraggers, a good strat caller, play serious, and is able to work around my tight schedule during the week.

During the week, I am usually on from ~7:45 eastern-10:00 pm eastern. This can alter a little bit depending on what I have to do on that day. On the weekends, however, I'm usually free and can go on all day gaming sessions.

East Coast timezone preferrably.

I am a strong rifle, I play smart, and listen to strats. 15 years of age, but hopefully that doesn't change your decision.
I will only check out your offer if I see your team has potential, and I have seen you play before.

Past Experience
wogl o - s1
wogl p - s2 (s3 not sure though don't really remember lol)

esl placement cup 1-3
esl p - s1

xfire = dacbietelite
ign = dacbietelite
