

Currently looking for 1 more player, a Canadian to be precise.

Looking for a rifler. It is possible, you will get a starting spot.
Be able to practice a couple times during the week.
Be able to perform under pressure.
Be able to hold your spot well and communicate with your partner.
Be able to listen and call well.
Be able to learn quickly and have the potential.
Be able to commit to the team.
Be able to come through when we need you.
Be able to understand our points of view.
Be flexible and understand that we are students and still have lives.
In other words, just looking for a really good player, that's understanding.
Don't waste my time, I won't waste yours. I will make it exceptionally a great experience.

Most likely changing our roster for personal reasons. We have 6 members, 5 of the 6 are Canadian. FOLSOM, Creature, Lysssssssssi, sApphic-, [G]uucii are all Canadian, and xeN... is British.

Contact me, please talk to me before applying or doing anything as I will need to talk to you before hand. If you apply without talking to me I will simply decline the application. XFIRE @ xinnovate.
