combat an game collision

well this is a must in my book guys, first thing first collision is all wrong.You step on a toe, a grain of sand, touch something the wrong way you get stuck, not good.Second why can we not go prone or lean/peer this is a must in my book again.Accuracy on all wepons need lots of work, example i can stand right next to someone cross arrows center mass an shoot an not hit him once, again not good, 80% of the kills i have aquired have been from pray an spray or on accident, an the reason is this, 1 head shot to kill from all weapons is never fun game play from sniper rifles yea ,but all others no should take 2 maybe 3 shots. other then that its all good ,there is a base for a good game here, just needs so work.FYI this is not a rant im a good player i have a 1.4 somethin kdr an ive been in game for only a week. thankyou for takeing the time to read this. OH YEA it would be nice to see some big maps, always fun to have those 24 man , or 32 man maps, wide open madness.

