
It's obvious that alot of revenue for CF comes from the competitive community, or derived by some means of the competitive side of the game.

So I suggest this, mostly because I'm bored, but also because it can probably help you guys in the long run.

Live streams of legit players with fraps or some other means of video coverage. I don't play, but I still want some cheap entertainment. It might even bring me back to play or with some people even inspire them (HAHAhhah).

Also, because the sad lifestyles of many competitive players are based on egos, and this would only satisfy their ego. It's perfect.

Moreover, why don't you people actually host your own league instead of depending on other sources, or player bases who have to take it out of their own time to do so and live stream it instead of depending on WCG or a once every 6 months league competition that only stays in the discussion of competitive players, or players that want to be competitive.

Oh, and instead of focusing on bringing more guns, maps, modes, etc, fixing current issues should be the first priority.

