Best GhostMode Players.

If you think i have missed a player comment and i will think about putting him or her up.
Also this is just my list. Feel free to make your own :)

Best Players to touch GhostMode
- iC_
- aC_

Amazing Players
- sLurpy
- sLushy
- SisterJudge (JudgeSim)
- [C]hingRoarz
- Lizo

Allmost Amazing Players
- GhosterF
- *Light_ (Not sure if thats is his ign still)
- *Sun
- Utilize

Best Ghost Players
- sorrybyebye
- Gringobird
- Narwhal
- GrayFox
- JudgeSim

Allmost Amazing Ghosts
- ohyouknow
- PerfectVShot
- *Mystic_
- Ozman

My Favorite Players to be around
- Mel?
- Gringobird
- BLiND_
- BlackNinja

People who think they are good but cheat or used to cheat but now suck
- CeeJay
- Ryan


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