My opinions on teams

Bored right now so I guess I'll make one too. If I got your team wrong let me know :) Some teams I'll go through and talk about their individual players, but if I don't scrim a certain team a lot I'll just talk about what I think of them.

[HAMMERTIME] - Mav, Deathstrike, uMaD, uBaD, Slaya
My score: 10/10
Notes: Best team in the game, all having amazing shots. Not much else to say.

[Gravity] - Exhale, MxDizaster, Inhale, Snipes, boosted-
My score: 7.5/10
MxDizaster: Good player, good shot. Haven't played with him much so I can't say much else.
Exhale: K-2 warrior. He's pretty ****y sometimes but he can back it up. Chill guy, good shot. He gave me a chance when no one else would so he's always gunna be good with me.
Inhale: Really nice guy, good leader. Good shot, can use pretty much any gun well.
Snipes: Gravity's best player, really good shot. Gets a lot of key frags for his team.
boosted-: Chill guy, good shot.

Thoughts: They have very good chemistry which is what is working for them the best right now. Will place high in ESG-O and mid level ESG-P if they get in, not sure how that will work.

[eRADICATE] - Trellz, Chubz, Popz, Slanteyz, mygan?
My Score:6/10
Notes: We'll see how they do when ESG comes around.

[CHANG] - Dag, Denxi, Dellz, L4st, Sauce
My Score: 8/10
Thoughts: Never scrimmed them as a team so I couldn't say.

[FG.avarice] - Terrorism, Req, Ayrin, Blindhound, Stmalice
My team score: 7.5/10
Notes: Will be a very good team where ever they end up in ESG. All of them are good players with great shots (some better than others).

[FACEDOWN] - Jkeith, Erick, Snot, Ralf, Ryangi
My Score: 8/10
Notes: Very good team. Great shots, great team work. With Erick getting a new computer it will only make them better. Will be a top team for sure.

[Mindtr!x] - dim.moos3, FahZay, hotshot, Ramzy, ?
My Score: 5/10
Notes: Haven't scrimmed them at all so I can't really say.

[H1N1] - ? , ? , ? , ? , ?
My Score: 5/10
Notes: Decent team, can't really say much else.

[virtuoso] - Landon, Pavel, [R]emix, Jdog, Twerkin*?
My Score: 6/10
Notes: Need to start taking scrims seriously. Remix is an inconsistent player from what I've seen of him, and I'm not sure if Landon has what it takes to lead a team with potential, especially with all of the trash talking he does. If they don't start taking scrims seriously they'll flop come ESG.

[euphoria] - HeadLess, EsclRain, Snitchez, Sick*Virus, TBA
My Score:4/10
Notes: Below average team, could get better.

[Frag eSports] - Folsom, Lyssi, ? , Eon, [G]ucci
My Score: 6.5/10
Notes: Good team with good shots and team work. Will definitely be a top competitor in ESG once they get their stuff sorted out.

[rize] - 2cute, Tori, Emaze, Inxx-, SIGNIFICANT
My Score: N/A
Notes: We're a pretty new team. We need work on our chemistry and just over all teamwork. Add on the fact that Significant has only been playing CF for a little less than a week and it's pretty clear we have work to do.

Inhale wanted to review my team so:
[13:54] Inhale:
[rize] - 2cute, Tori, Emaze, Inxx-, SIGNIFICANT
My Score: 6.5
2cute- good guy, has an average shot with above average game sense. key player to that team i think.
tori- needs to get his ping figured out definetly.. but he was definetly top 7-8 scopes in the game with his old ping.
emaze- dont know much about him.. did decent on the cast
inxx- ^
SIGNIFICANT- prob going to be a good player soon.

Notes: Once significant gets used to cf, and tori gets used to his ping, 6.5 for now. but if they stick to it (hopefully they do) will be top 3 esg O team.

[SIMPLIFY.] - VIZUAL, Blnk, pump, froztee, TBA
My Score:5/10
Notes: Haven't scrimmed them so I can't say.

[Fra[G]enius] - Jamesdean, Pauldean, Bhavya., Infernal, Agentcloud?
My Score: 4/10
Notes: They have decent shots but their teamwork is lacking.

[tDg] - LT-iPee, PVK, CerealKilla, De0x, ?
My Score: 4/10
Notes: Never scrimmed them, can't say.

[R&B] - uJealous, iGotMojo, RockLobstah, sedrick, ?
My Score: 3/10?
Notes: I have no idea.
