AVG Resident shield slows down startup

I've been experiencing a slower than normal startup process like the game will not execute at all for about an estimated 10 minutes, almost as if you never clicked to launch crossfire. I pinpointed the cause to be AVG 9.0 Resident shield.

Something about 9.0 just conflicts with crossfire/gameguard's execution, After waiting for 10 minutes or so you will be given the option of terminating resident shield or finding a solution online. I terminate it and the game startup just fine, ofc I can't keep doing that, it's just a waste of my time.

Any thoughts for an ideal solution?


  • Change your antivirus to avira.
    Avg is not much adequate to security.
    And its proved , got #23 placed in Security tests.
    Avira #2.
  • re: disable AVG ...

    AVG 9.0 does have some problems with CF. Quick workaround...dbl clk AVG tray icon..clk overview..dbl clk resident sheild>uncheck check marks to disable....save>>>do same for link scanner...save> email scanner...save> update manager...save...

    then go to www.iobit.com and download gamebooster and run it before u play games. this shutsdown unneccesary and unneeded processes running in background on u computer. This should help resolve your problems.


  • I don't want to completely disable my anti-virus just to play crossfire, mostly because the fear of getting a virus/trojan. I'm aware those things are from what you download but what if something that's been sitting in the depths of your hard drive goes active.
  • re: AVG

    You shouldn't have any problems with shutting ur avg down if u do it the way I stated in doing it. All u r basically doing is shutting down some of the extra luggage that comes with avg. If u shut down those things, and run ur gamebooster, then go to task manager and look at processes running, u will see that avg is still running in the background, but only barebones protection so ur system is still protected. Same also applies to ur firewall..it's still there but in barebones.....as long as ur not trying to surf the net and play the game at the same time. Plus, you are also running nprotect thru the game to guard against malicious attacks.