team rating

Is this a new craze? Ok my turn.

HAMMERTIME : they are alright, mav is ok.
Rating : 7.5/10

LifeLine : Take away their ping and they will be like most average players.
Rating : 6.5/10

CHANG : Ok, not that appealing.
Rating : 5.5/10

Gravity : Ok, snipes is alright.
Rating : 4.5/10

Avarice : stmalice's hair + terrorista meet bare minimum of above avrg.
Rating : 3.5/10

Other teams : not worth mentioning
Rating : 2.5/10

tDg: good but not as good as the esg.elites
Rating 9.5/10

Esg.Elite: klutch is very good, many people know him. Zeus is wamazing, tDg's old best player. Sunny is pro, other guy is pro. Deadweight tae but its alright cus klutchkiller is the best.
Rating : 10.5/10
