My opinions on teams for ESG

Yes i made another but mine is a bit different than the many others

I have to say, the current teams and players in the game play much different then before wogl was introduced. And now with the somewhat, half-a.s.s.ed, semi announcement of the apparent upcoming new league, seems like its bringing more energy to the competitive side. More teams are popping up, but not only just popping up their are actually starting to play smarter and develop chemistry and not break up (as fast). It also seems like its not as much trash talk in-game as it is on the forums so maybe people are learning to be a bit more mature during game time. Still alot of EGOs though but its whatever thats just something for me to laugh at.

With all that said, in my honest opinion it almost looks like any team could step up and win ESG with a little team work. I mean, realistically its easy for you to RATE a team based off scrim performance and certain players strengths and weaknesses. And if that was the case, I could easily rate every team 5/10 and call it a day because everybody wins some and lose some. I've seen teams get smashed one day and then the next day they dominate. I mean thats just how it is in this particular game its like a luck of the draw type of thing generally because theres not much of a gap in skill from team to team. Yea some teams are a bit more consistent then others but the consistency doesn't always carry over to match time unfortunately. And the excuses for not winning a match are always the same because people can't just accept a loss and move on.

So good luck to all teams participating.

Players to watch out for: aL, harvey, Jaime, Snot, Landon, Jon, Sauce, StMalice, dstrike, Erick (Mr. new-pc-so-i-will-dominate-now) These players have all held their teams down very good from what i've seen

Best black player in the game: Jkeith2k

