The most accurate opinions on esg teams/players.

What I think of the players:

monSTAR: monSTAR

Best players in this game: 15, Maverick, Jaime

Some of the better players in this game: ubad, nickwinner, myself, dizaster, sauce, malte, blitzed, snipes, pablo, pimpdemnikes, harvey, doop, AnotherHS/Jon, PopZ, sheepbacon, Ray, aL, mygan, Ayrin, Req, stMalice, Kahlan (before he quit)

Potentially very good players: xfam0usx, miguel, cyclops, merkinchamp, ralf, snot, jkeith, erick, akz, fmb, blindhound, Kaz

Above average shots: aks, vinxed, roywilliams, miniwrecker, krausbomb, FOLSOM, Fresh****, Kenny, Luwii

Below average, some have decent shots but other attributes hold them back: mykL, vizualized, prepaid

Below average/Holding there teams back: Zeus, Shawn, Banks, Ayce.

css.James: Jaims, Jamesdean

Teams: (Not in order)

Maverick: Played with him for almost a year now, one of the best players in the game if not the best
15: gay boy, probably the top sniper in our version
monSTAR: Terrible player, can't frag against fragenius. In actuality one of the better riflers in the game, he's mad chill as well.
TWELVES/naos: Extremely cocky which is what I love about him, great player and fun to be around.
Ray: All around ray, beast rifler.
Slaya: Very good player, ping holds this beast back from reaching his true potential. Still keeps up with some of the best players with his ping.
Team rating: 10/10
Opinion: Best team in the game, not much else to say.

Jaime. : The best rifle in the game.
Pablo: Has gotten a lot better and one of the better players in this game.
Leapy/Chase: Decent player, above average when hes hitting his shots.
James: very bad player, holds instinct back like no other.
AnotherHS/Zyos: Another very good player, pretty chill as well.
Team rating: 9/10
Opinion: If they drop james for a decent 5th they could keep up with hammertime.

Dizaster: chill guy, great player and a buster.
Snipes: best player in Gravity, chill and fun to play with.
Inhale/Exhale: Decent players, if they continue to practice they will do a lot better.
Billy/synz: Pretty good player as well and a very chill guy, hopefully he will stay.
Team rating: 7/10
Opinion: Decent team, with good players. Lots of room for improvement.

Trellz: decent player.
Slanteyez: dont know him
Chubz: decent sniper
Mygan: very chill guy, one of the better riflers in the game
yearn: Also has bad times that he's on, but decent.
My team score: 6/10
Opinion: Has a few good players but some of there players hold them back, if they made some cuts and practiced more they could be one of the best ESG-O teams.

FG.Avarice - Ayrin, BlindHound, StMalice, .Req, Terrorism
Ayrin: Used to be a really good player but now is only above average although I'm sure he'll get his shot back.
Terrorism: Above average player but not the best shot, although his gamesense is very good.
Stmalice: One of the better players and probably the best in Avarice, pretty chill as well.
Req: A lot of people thinks he cheats but I think he just has a very good shot.
Blindhound: Holds the team back, he's only semi-decent.
Team Rating: 7.5/10
Opinions: Solid team with practice will be the best in ESG-O.

Jkeith: decent shot/cool guy.
Erick: overrates himself imo, although he is a very chill player and a good one at that, you aren't as amazing as you think.
Ralf: Above average shot but definitely not there best player.
Ryangi: Very good player and a good/chill guy as well.
Team Rating: 9/10
Opinions: One of the best teams, will probably make Semi or even Finals for ESG-P.

Harvey: Best player by far in dreamteam, chill guy.
famous: Pretty good player but not amazing, has amazing moments but not consistently.
Pimp: Very good player. Used to rage a lot, if he doesnt any more he will play a lot better.
ColonelChaos: Decent player.
2s1ck: Average shot
aL: Very chill guy, one of the better players
Team rating: 8.5/10
Opinions: One of the better teams and has a couple of the better/best players, A LOT of potential.

Dag: Very chill player, great to hang with and an above average shot.
Denxi: One of the more intelligent players this game has to offer, knows the game like the back of his chang
Sauce: Extremely ugly and bad aim
Dellz: best rifler ever
L4st: Above average player, chill guy.
Team Rating: 8/10
Opinion: if dellz is playing they wont lose a match

dim.moose: decent player, room to improve
Faze: chill guy, average player
ramzy: chill, average
frosty/satanclaus: dont know him well enough to comment
Hotshot: dont know him
Team rating: 6/10
Opinion: With practice hopefully they'll be a challenge for esg o teams

Landon: Chill player, above average.
Remix: Decent player from what I've seen.
Pavel: Most annoying voice I've ever heard, sucks at game
Wisdom: black
Twerkin: black
Team rating: 7/10
Opinion: Will place top 4 in ESG-O.

euphoria - HeadLess, EsclRain, Snitchez, Suko, Sick*Virus
Headless: don't know him
Esclrain: don't know him
Snitchez: lol
Suko: quit game
Sick: dont know him
Team rating: ?
Opinions: dead

Frag eSports
Folsom: Above average shot, good strat caller.
Guuci: Lag spikes like a mother fucker, good player when he isnt spiking.
Kaedi: Above average shot.
Sapphic/Chase: gay.
Eon: Chill guy, good player.
Team rating: 8/10
Opinions: Top ESG-O team.

inxx: Strong aker. Good player/pedo all around.
Tori: Decent shot, good player when he wants to be. Has yet to get used to his new ping.
beatz: dont know him well enough
emaze: skinny faggot
2cute/donflappy: below average player imo.
Team rating: 6/10
Opinions: With roster changes they can become a much stronger team, and practice.

pump/1234239gg99i: average player.
VIZUAL/cyanide: A below average player, talks trash for no reason at all.
froztee: below average
Sny-d: below average
Oneten: below average
Team rating: 5/10
Opinions: Depending on their bracket for ESG-O, might place well.

Team rating: 0.1/10
Opinions: A collection of the worst players in Crossfire
